Richie's confession Pt. 1

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I know in the description of the series I said I haven't seen It Chapter 2, but I'm not oblivious to the whole Richie stuff. I don't know if he kind of finds out after they split up or just whenever, but I thought this would be a good place to add it. Please don't hate me tho if this isn't correct. AND I WILL WATCH THE SECOND MOVIE, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN!! Thought this would be fun to add tho...

"Hey, mom. Since I'm not grounded anymore. Can I please go to the arcade?" My mom put down her magazine and lifted an eyebrow.

"With who?" It's sort of a thing my parents ask now. I'm friends with Stan again, and only Stan, but they didn't need to know that.

"Mom, just me. I promise. I have no other friends to hang out with anyway." My mom got up from the couch and came up to me. She took my hand. The one that Bower's marked up. It was still very visible.

         "Sweetie. You and your father want you to know that you aren't alone in this world. It has been a difficult summer for you, losing Betty and Greta, but I promise it'll only get better. You aren't a loser. Not to us. And if anyone tells you otherwise, you come straight to us and we will report it." I kinda also told them that I was "depressed". I would've covered it up, but the makeup was no good. And I couldn't avoid showing my hand. I panicked, okay. And honestly it isn't that bad...besides the fact that I have to keep my bedroom door open 24/7 and I'm not allowed to cut my own food...and I have to see a therapist for the rest of the summer.

      "Mom, I told you. I was just a little upset since you grounded me. But I swear on my life you'll never see another mark on my hand. Now, may I pleeassse go to the arcade?"y mom brushed my hair behind my ear and smiled.

       "Of course you can. Be home before dinner." She sped over to her purse on the table by the front door and took out a five dollar bill. "Here you go. My treat. Now go have fun playing pac-man or whatever games they have these days." I shoved the Bill in the pocket of my romper and shoved my feet into my shoes.

        "Bye mom."

    I parked my bike in the usual rack behind the building in the alleyway. I took the back door to get into the arcade and walked past all the games straight to the coin machine. I flattened the dollar on my leg and put it in the machine. It spat it out.

"Come one." I smoothed it out again and shoved it back in. It spat it out again. I shoved the machine and bit before taking the five dollar bill. I vigorously rubbed the money in my thigh, struggling to get all the wrinkles out.

         "Please work. I just wanna play a few games." Hoping no one was watching me, I kissed the money for good luck, and carefully shoved it into the slot. The machine was quiet for a few second, then it started to make a buzzing noise and finally coins shot out.

         "I'm not your fucking boyfriend!" My head shot up and I looked around the arcade. There weren't as many boys as there usually were, which made it easier to see where the voice came from.

          I guess I was in too big of a rush to trade my five dollar Bill for coins that so didn't realize that I had sped right past Richie Tozier and a boy playing street fighter. The arcade was completely silent, and everyone was seeing exactly what I was seeing. In the doorway that I came from, was Henry and his friends. They were watching. The boy that yelled at Richie looked back at Bowers. I swallowed and kept my head down. But not so far down where I couldn't see what was happening.

         "What the fuck is going on here?" Bowers started to ease up on Richie. Bowers probably noticed me too, but I was this target. Not today.

          "You assholes didn't tell me this town was filled with little fairies." The boy who I didn't even realize was playing with Richie was now insulting him. I scoffed as I listened to this conversation.

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