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       I held my flashlight in one hand, and Stan's hand in the other. We lagged behind the group, but not too far to where we got left behind. I would look up to Stan once in a while, and I would see the blood glistening as it oozed down his neck from the holes in his face. I gripped his hand tighter.

        "I wish It took me instead." I whispered under my breath. "It's my fault any of us are down here. If I...if I just kept quiet in the first place..."

        "Yes we wouldn't be down here, but there be a lot more kids taken as his victim. Kids younger than us, kids that could be finishing off highschool. Think about that." I sighed and nodded.

       "What...what I saw...." Stan's whole body shivered, causing my arm to shake a bit. "It was horrible...I things. Felt things that Inlroabbly won't be able to forget for the rest of my life, but I would rather have to go through it again, knowing full well what it was like than having some innocent kid who had never even seen a PG-13 movie go through it. And I wouldn't want you to go through it either. You've had enough with it."

         "What did you see?" I couldn't help but asking. Stan dropped his gaze down to the ground. I felt his hand tense up even more in my grip and he lowered his flashlight.

          "It...It wasn't what I saw. It...It was more like what size felt. I...I'm sorry so can't explain it." I patted his shoulder to comfort him.

         "No, its fine. You don't have to explain. Let's just focus on finding Bill and Beverly." We were far behind now, so we ran to catch up with them. Sewer water splashed up all around us, and I few drops unfortunately managed to get into my mouth. I spat it out and wiped my mouth with my arm.

         "God, I'm going to need to take a major shower after this." I huffed next to Stan, and he managed to give the slightest laugh. It was small, but it meant that Stan was still there after Judith, he called her.

         "Guys! There's an opening!" Eddie was pointing his flashlight at an opening in the tunnel and ran in. We all followed.

         The room was huge. In the middle was this giant tower of junk. All junk. The pork was so huge, can couldn't even see the other side of the room. On the ground lied loose items. Dolls with their heads pulled off or eyes missing, frisbees snapped in half, clothes tattered and torn apart. The room reeked with the smell of mildew and mold and shit. Stan and I pushed closer to each other so that my shoulder was pressing against his upper arm.

         "Beverly!" I shifted my gaze from the gaunt junk pile and saw that all the boys were looking up. I followed the beam of their flashlights and saw that they were staring at Beverly. She was floating. Her head was craned up so she was staring at the ceiling; her arms dangled at her sides and her feet were completely relaxed. Ben and the others tried to jump up a few times to get her down, but were unsuccessful.

         "How is she floating in the air?" Richie commented as he stared up at her. I wasn't focusing on Bev at the moment though. My mind went back to the mountain of toys and junk. But it was what was was circling the pile that really made me feel like I just shit myself.

        "Are...are those?" I stuttered

        "The...the missing kids." Stan and I looked at each other and pressed closer to each other.

         My god there's so many. I didn't realize there were this many kids in Derry." It was frightening to look at. Hundreds of kids that we knew, or just passed by for a quick second, floating. I shiver went down my spine and I was able to break away from the scene.

         "How do we get to her?" Ben tried jumping up a few times, but every single time he was no where close to even skimming her toe.

          "Lift me up. I'm the lightest here." Eddie volunteered. Mike and Richie lifted Eddie up by the legs and he reached up with his good arm.

Go Along with IT//Stan Uris fanfic (It 2017)Where stories live. Discover now