A Day with Stan

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       I shoved the rest of my bagel into my mouth and took a glass of water to wash it down. My mom was washing the dishes and my dad was out mowing the lawn. They had gained no interest whatsoever in figuring out where I would disappear to. Or who I was hanging out with. A few days ago, after the whole Beverly's bathroom episode, Stan had invited me to hang out with him. To do something besides worrying about bullies and missing kids. And of course I agreed. When I told my parents, they just looked at each other and shrugged it off.

    I looked at the clock. It was 11:47. I was meeting Stan at the path to The Quarry at 12. I got up from my seat and put my dishes in the sink.

      "You know, Lucille, you'll have to start doing dishes soon. And then you'll beg us to not use any dishes at all." My mother smiled and took the plate and started to scrub.

       "Until then, it's all yours. Imma go meet my friend now if that's okay?" My mom nodded as she put the plate in the rack. Her smile faded and she sighed.

        "Of course. Just...be careful okay?" She sounded very concerned, but I just nodded and smiled.

       "Well duh...I'm not stupid. It's just one of my friends today. We are just gonna walk around town for a bit." My mom mumbled something under her breath. I wasn't sure what she said, but I heard the word "Jew". "Mom? Did you say something?" My mom straightened up and looked at me.

       "Of course not," she lied. "Just be careful. And come back..."

        "before five o'clock. I know. See you later." I grabbed my wallet and shoved it in one of the pockets of my romper. I shoved my feet into my Converse and ran out the door. In the yard, my dad was blasting music on his radio as he mowed the lawn. He looked up and immediately turned off the machine as he saw me.

       "Where are you headed?" He leaned up against the handle of the lawn mower. I wheeled my bike out of the garage and and looked at him.

       "Gonna hang with a friend." He lifted his sunglasses off his face.

       "Who? Is it girls this time, or those two boys you mentioned a few days ago?" He emphasized boys.

        "Actually, it is jus tone down those boys. He wants do to hang out and I agreed thought. Thought it'd be nice to be outside of the house." My dad looked to the ground for a bit.
       "Which one?" He sounded mad, and that caught me off guard.

        "Ummm....Stanley Uris." I stood there holding my bike handles. My dad looked like he wanted to say something, but he held it in. Instead he just told me to be safe and continued to cut the grass.

        I left my driveway and went the long way to the park: I continued to avoid Betty's street. The sun beat down on me, but the wing as I rode my bike evened out the temperature. Some leaves front when trees crunched as I rode over them, and a few times I ducked to avoid clouds of gnats. I made it to the park at exactly 12:15, according to my watch, and Stan was sitting alone on a park bench, his bike propped up on its kickstand. He lifted his head up and smiled when he saw me. I slowed down on my bike and hopped off.

       "Hey," I greeted him a bad he waved back. We stood there for a few moments. It was kinda awkward, but it was also comforting.

       "It's a lot quieter without Richie commenting on every single thing." I couldn't help but laugh.

        "That is very true. Is that all he ever does? I've only had him in one of my classes, but he is nonstop!" Stan nodded and shrugged.   

       "Yeah, but I guess he does keep us going too. Sometimes you need a little of his bullshit to make it through the day. You'll get used to it, though. I swear." It was quiet again, but it wasn't as awkward as as before.

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