Chapter 10 [ Christmas ]

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"Good morning Everyone! Merry Christmas, get ready and go down stairs" Mama woke us up, all the kids were excited for today, its Christmas. But for the oldest kids , they were also excited because they can hear Emma's voice again.

All the kids went downstair and have breakfast, Mama told them that just for today, there will be no tests, they can have free time. After breakfast, all the kids went outside, except the 6 oldest kids. They went to the library

They all sit at any place they found comfortable, and started to play.

"Merry Christmas Everyone! i hope our plan is going smoothly, and i hope you all will be blessed, Good luck all of you... *crash*. O-oh i need to go n-now, bye everyone" 

"What was that crash? Why did Emma startled?" Ray asked panicking. All of them look at eachother.

Then suddenly, the door opened

Emma POV

"Christmas huh? i wonder if they got my recording"Emma mumbles under her breath.

"Emma? are you okay?"Barbara asked, they were allowed to play together just for today. 

"Yea, im okay thanks for asking"Emma said, walking towards the others.

"Merry Christmas you all" Emma continues, and give the a big hug. Barbara, Vincent, Cislo, Amara, Madelyn, Hayato and Jin, are her new family. They plan to escape together, with the help of an ally.

"Merry Christmas Emma" Madelyn smiles, pulling her 'big sister' into a hug, she have a beautiful goldenish, brownish eyes, and a light brown hair, she usually ties her hair into two. Madelyn is a cheerful little girl, altough after every every test that was given to her, after all experiments they give to her, she still smiles, kinda like Emma actually.

"Merry Christmas!" Amara continues, giving the others a big warm smile. Amara's personality reminds Emma of Gilda, but she didn't talk much, she was smart, and great at understanding the situation and peoples. Amara has a white hair and a emerald coloured eyes. Her hair was rather long and straight.

The kids of the lab, or 'Project Lambda-7214' spend the rest of the day try to plan their escape without the other ones, or the adults noticing.

And this are how do two places celebrate Christmast

Author's note:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Anyway , i found some pictures of how Madelyn and Amara looks like. These are the closest. ( The kids of Project Lambda always wears a white clothes like the ones at gracefield house )

Madelyn: ( just imagine this is a little girl )

Madelyn: ( just imagine this is a little girl )

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Amara: ( why the picture is so big ;-; )

Amara: ( why the picture is so big ;-; )

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Also thankyou for reading ^^

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