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Its a normal day for the children in gracefield. They are orphans, but you can say that this place is the happiest place for them. Their mama is the nicest woman ever, they love each other, they treated each other like siblings. They just wait to get adopted. 


3rd person POV

"Congratulations Norman, Ray and Emma, you got perfect scores again!" Mama announced, giving them a warm smile.

"Yayy!"Emma cheered. Emma is a cheerful, energetic and kind and not to mention smart. Emma always bring light and joy to her family, she probably is everyone's favorite.

After all of them took the test. They were allowed to go outside. Outside the house there was a forest, the children from gracefield always play there.

"Ray, Norman let's play tag!"Emma said cheerfuly

"Hm. No thankyou I'll pass, you guys go ahead"Ray answered. Ray was always an "emo boy" he always tries to avoid the others, Emma and Norman may be an exception. Ray always spends his time reading, no wonder he always got perfect scores.

"But you never played with us, you always read here"Emma pouted.

"Yeah Ray, you can't always read here its bad for your health"Norman continues. Norman is the smartest of them three, he cared about his friends alot. But he had bad athletic skills, he just won tags because of his strategies.

"I'll  play tommorow, maybe"Ray said, still reading his book

"Fine, c'mon Norman the others are waiting"Emma said pulling norman's hand



"Emma, you understand right? that we cant bring ALL the kids? why cant you understand? its for our safety, YOUR own SAFETY" Ray protested. He knows that his bestfriend is stubborn. But he'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, more over keep her safe.

"Of course we can, I already, no- WE! already planned it" Emma argued back. But she knows that this escape plan is hard but its not IMPOSSIBLE. Plus she already had a plan set in her mind.

They were alone, in the bedroom talking about the plan, while Norman, Don and Gilda were downstairs helping mama prepared dinner.

"Whatever, cmon lets go down now, or mama will be notice"Ray said. Ray knows clearly that mama wont let us escape, so he knows that this plan had a chance to fail, after all, he is mama's spy right? 

After they finished dinner, mom called all of us she said she had an announcement. The 5 kids, Emma, Gilda, Ray, Norman and Don got worried.

"Everyone, meet sister Krone she will help me afterwars. And this is Carol our newest family member"Mama said softly. Its hard to believe that someone as soft as her, as loving as her, as caring as her, is actually a demon inside.

Another adult, another enemy... the 5 kids thought. But all the other smaller kids cheered. Knowing the situation, the 5 kids have to put their acts up.

"And also, congratulations Emma you will get adopted"Mama continues while giving her warm smile.




"...What?..."the 5 kids muttered, you can see the horror on their eyes.

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