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what if...












I make a sequel?









WHAT IF... EMMA KNEW- She found out farrrr before Conny's death, being the person she is, she followed mama when someone is getting adopted. But Emma kept this secret to herself, when she delivered Conny's bunny, she agrees because she wanna 'tell' Norman, and she knew Ray was the 'traitor' when he ask them to deliver Conny's bunny. And then... 











Nvm, if i continue i'll explain the whole story to you -,-"










Soooo vote pleaseee 

1 for you want to read it

2 for no thanks ^^





be honest please :)






there will be rayemma btw ^^




And if you have questions about "Her Secret" please comment and I'll make an explanation chapter(s) about it ^^






Have a great day :)





- Elle -

Her SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now