Chapter 18 ( its to kill or to get killed ) { slight rayemma }

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"You owe us alot of explanation" Don said
They sat infront of the reading Emma, who seems to ignored what Don said.

"Emma." Ray said trying to get her attention.
Emma turn her head so she can saw her friends, but she came back to reading.
"Emma please, we need to know how are you, how come are you not dead!? Where the hell do you get those recordings" Ray slammed the table.

"Ever heard of privacy?" Emma bluntly said, not even trying to look at Ray.
The others were shock. Shock that Emma said that, shock that Emma became cold, shock because Emma said that to Ray.

"... Emma this is not the real you, i know it" Ray continues

"YOU EXPECT ME TO BECOME THE SAME?? THE SAME HAHAHAHHA HOW CARELESS OF YOU" Emma laugh maniacly ( like Ray's crazy laugh )
"EVERYDAY, I WOULD THINK OF YOU THINK OF YOU ALL, WETHER YOU MADE IT SAFELY OR NOT. WHEN THAT BASTARD ANDREW TOLD ME HE'LL KILL YOU ALL AND DIDNT CAME BACK IM QUITE SURE YOU BEAT HIM. IF YOU WERENT ALIVE RIGHT NOW I WOULD NEVER TRY TO LEAVE THE HELL HOLE, ( she meant the lab ) DO YOU KNOW??? DO YOU KNOW?? WHAT THEY DID TO US, THEY MADE US COLD BLOODED MONSTERS, monsters Ray...!? I CAN KILL A HUMAN , A LIVING BEING SO EASY?? I saw... everyday, atleast 2 children got killed, just because their not useful... they just got tortured and killed even those demons wont eat them, because they're useless."
Emma cried, making some of the asleep woke up.

"Emma..." Emma turn around and see Madelyn and Amara. She ran and hug her 2 'sisters'.
"They would inject us weird liquids everyday, giving me a test twice a day... if i cant or wont do it they will electroute me, we're humans to you know Ray... No living being deserve to be like this" She continued, still hugging her 'sisters'.

"Your wrong. We dont deserve to live in this demon world we have to kill to survive" Yuugo stated standing up pointing one of his finger at Emma.

"Tch... in this hell of world its to kill or get killed" Emma answered, her dull eyes are staring at the blank wall.

But cutted by the sound of a door slammed it seems like Emma stormed outside.

"Emma..." Anna said worried.
"Anna? Gilda?" Jemima peek and call her 'older sisters'
"Cmon Jemima lets sleep" Gilda led her to their bedroom.

"Hufft... what should we do now..." Norman sighed.
"Hm? Wait... whats this?
"Dear whoever reading this, i know that im probably mad at you right now, i just wanna say that im sorry. But i wanna told you that be prepared for the next week we will get Phil and the others back. I made a promised with this world's 'God'
- Emma -
Norman read the note that was slipped to his pocket from Emma.

"That girl is full of suprise isnt she?" Yuugo smirked.
"We can believe Emma, so be prepared because next week we will be taking our whole family back" Ray said.

"Now go sleep" Ray shoo them away.

After a while theres a knock on the door

"Ray... im sorry" it was Emma she immidietly ran and hug him.
"Emma?" Ray mumbled feeling his face flushed a bit.


After a while he return her hug and said "Its okay Emma its not your fault" He said softly,

Emma broke the hug and smiled
"Thank you Ray, and good night and also i've missed you y'know" she warmly smiled and hold one of his hand.

Author's note

Idk if its long or not, sorry if its a little different i wrote this on my ipad.

Also the what happens in the lab, i think i made those up.

Thats all
Thx for reading


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