Chapter 4 ( Recording )✔

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The 6 kids cant believe it, Emma finally left. Emma left them all in tears. The 6 kids knew that they cant keep crying, so they went to their bedroom. Gilda found recordings under her pillow and blankets, quickly call Anna and told her. There was 10 different recordings, each have labels on them, the first one, for Norman, for Ray, for Anna, for Nat, for Gilda, for Don, Christmast, when your safe, the end. They also found a letter, but they both decided to open it together with the other 4 boys.

Night time, as usual they all came to the library usually to discuss the plan, but today... silence only silence in the room. Gilda finally have the courage to break the silence. "Umm... guys i found something under my pillow and blanket". All the kids attention all went to Gilda. "I found some recording and a letter, I think it was from Emma" Gilda continues while taking out the letter and the recordings. The kids jumped a little when Gilda mentioned Emma.

"What?! give them to me!"Ray demanded. "I think we need to open this, the letter first"he continues while observing the letter and the recordings. 

"I'll read it" Norman said, opening the letter. 

It says:

"Dear Norman, Don, Ray, Gilda, Nat and Anna, 

If your reading this that means i got shipped out, i've prepared this far before, i've recorded something for each one of  you and for some ocassions. Please hear it when its time, you'll understand what 'when your safe' and 'the end' means. Please hear 'the first one' first, and then you may hear the recordings with your name on it.

Love, Emma"

 As soon Norman finished reading all the kids broke down. Emma has prepared this far before? Where did the recordings came from? They all have questions. But they want to hear the recording first. They started to play the first recording.


"Hello everyone! as you know if your hearing this that means I got shipped out... Anyways dont get too sad, we need the plan to work perfectly. As you know that there is a cliff beyond the wall, and we are going to cross from there. And i know that we can't bring all the kids. So this is what i had in mind, I've told Phil about all of this, and we decided that we will leave the 5 year olds and below, they all have time before they got shipped, and some of the oldest kids all have decent scores so they will be safe. And you may wonder how did i get this recordings? Well you dont need to worry anything. And also you can talk to Sister Krone she is at our side. Thats all i guess, after this you can hear your recordings, bye everyone, save the kids and stay alive and  be happy"

Tears are falling from their eyes... Emma knew something would happen...
She prepared these, if something ever happens to her....
And it did...



But this gave them a little hope, their ray of hope, Emma is gone. But she believes in them. She believes that her friends won't give up, even if she's gone. 
Ray silently walk out of the library, following by a blacked face Norman. 
"Good night..." they murmured and went to each bedroom.


But Gilda went to the bathroom and started to play Emma's recording.

"Dear Gilda, thank you for always being there for me, all of us. Im sorry i left you, please take care of the others. I know that I can trust you, I know that you will do the best for our family. Thank you for everything Gilda"

"Emma... of course I'll do it, but I know that I'll do better if your here... why Emma? why..." Gilda cries softly. Emma's words were very sad, you can't hear her smile in her words. Gilda spends some more time alone in the bathroom before came back to the bedroom and rest.

As for Don, Anna, Norman, Ray and Nat they decided that they will listen to their's tomorrow.

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