Chapter 16 { Oh wow... }

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"EMMA!!!" The scared children screamed.

'Emma?' 'Emma?...' the 2 gracefield boys stand there in shock.

"EMMA!" They screamed, and ran towards the crying children who seems to holding Emma protectively.

"Stay away!"one of them said pointing a sharpened stick at them

"You recognize us right? you call me by my name?" Ray started talking and trying tocomfort them.
"Yea not my name..." Don mumbles
"Im Ray and this is Don, Emma is our friend, she's from gracefield we have the same number dont we?" Ray said showing his number and Don's.
"This is Gillian, Oliver, Violet and Yuugo"Ray continues pointing each one of them as he introduce them.

"Mhm, im Vincent, Barbara and Cislo, they are Amara and Madelyn, Hayato and Jin" a tall boy who seemed to be Vincent introduce his Friends one by one.
"Vincent! im done" suddenly a little girl named Madelyn shouted.
"Thank you Maddy" He patted her head, and she gave him a warm smile in return

"Follow us to a safe place" Yuugo finnaly talked ( Yuugo ;-; )

At the journey to a safe place Ray and Don help to carry Emma. The people from the shelter realized, that the children they met is a little different, they didnt seem to be exhausted, they've walk quite a long journey, and they seem like they understand the situation and always ready for a sudden attack. 

"We're here" Violet said trying to break the akward silence.

"WE'RE BACK" Oliver and Gillian shouted.

"Welcome back how's the....


"EMMA????!!" The gracefield kids started crying.

*Time skip ( Emma was brought to the infirmary )*

They all gathered in the living room, trying to find out what's happening.
"Vincent and Barbara right?" Norman started asking the oldest and mature children first.
"Hm" Thats the only answer he got.
"Mind explaining to us what is happening?" Norman asked


"We are the kids from Project Lambda 7214, there we were experimented to become better, to taste better for 'them', about 8 moths ago, Emma arrived, she gave us hope to survive and escape, she told us about gracefield, about you guys, about this safe place that she knew her friends I mean family will be there." Vincent explained. 


There's only silence in that room, they were suprised that there are a place like this, where the children knew they were going to die, they knew about the demons, this place is worst than the orphanage, they didn't even got any love now they realized that they are luck to be alive right now, lucky to be able to escapee, lucky to feel love from 'Mama'.

"Umm guys?" a soft voice that the kids recognize were heard.


Author's note:

HI its me again-

Anyway have you seen TPN season 2? 
And thank you for reading.

Please vote if you like the story :3

Bye bye

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