Chapter 7

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"Anna... are you sure the kids are ready for this?" Nat asked, standing infront of the kids playroom. Both of them planed on telling the kids while Don and Gilda discussed what are they going to do for training. 

"Well Emma asked us to do it, Emma knew that they were ready"Anna said, opening the door. As soon that the kids noticed them, they all run to them. 

"Anna! Nat! come play with us" Jemima shouted as she hugged Anna.

"Of course, c'mon" Anna responsed giving Nat a look before sat down. "Jemima and the others c'mere please we have to tell you something" Anna continues, as the kids all ran to Anna and Nat and sit beside them, smiling not knowing what will happen

{ After they told them, oh yeah i forgot the kids in the room are all 6 y.o and up }

"What?! so... what happened to Emma? Is she okay?" Alicia cried. All the other kids started to cried. Anna and Nat didnt expect this, it seem like the kids immidietly understand and started worrying about Emma.

"Emma... Emma just. You all have to promised us that you wont tell mama or the younger ones." Nat said changing the topic. All the kids nodded. After a while they all calmed down.

"Thoma, Lanni I need you to help Don and Gilda to prepare and train the others, Alicia, Yvette and Jemima you will help me to sew the blankets, and the others keep an eye on mama but don't let her now about this plan" Anna said with a serious tone, all the kids nodded 

"C'mon lets go outside and meet Don and Gilda, we trust you, remember act normal" Nat warned before going outside carying Chris on his shoulder. 

"Don! Gilda!" the kids shouted as they see Don tying a rope on a rock. 

"What can we do to help you?" Thoma asked.

"Well i have an idea, can you two make a Water Rocket?it will help us to cross. I'll teach you and help you do the calculations" Don explained giving them some of the ropes. 

"And the others follow me" Gilda shouted as she run into the woods, with kids following her. 

As for this day Gilda, Don, Nat and Anna Forgot of their sadness about Emma. They trained the kids for today, altough they still need to train alot.

Today Norman and Ray refused to talk or meet anybody. Norman locked himself in his bedroom while Ray locked himself in the library.

Night comes, Don decided to hear Emma's recording. He went to the dining room, make sure no one was there,, and listen to his.

"Dear Don, Its me, Emma, sorry for leaving you and the others, but we need your help to escape, please protect them Don, help them, train them. The kids probably already know by this time. I think 2 months is enough to prepare, and i think Mama won't suspect you or the others b'cause she always keep an eye on Norman, Me or Ray. Thats all Don, thank you for being my friend"

Don know understood why Emma didnt tell Ray and Norman, she was scared that they won't agree on this, and the risks were to high. Don put the recording in his pocket and went to take a drink, as she saw Sister Krone and Mama. He quickly hides, and he listened that Sister Krone will be sent away. After both of them were gone Don quickl came back to his room and sleep.

At the same time Nat also decided to listen to his, he went to the bathroom and locked himself, and started listening.

"Hi Nat, if you're hearing this that means you found out, sorry we didnt tell you sooner.  Anyway how's the others? How's Norman and Ray? Did you told the children yet? im guessing you already did. Are the kids ok? I hope they are okay. Thank you Nat for doing this it must've been hard for you, Thank you and goodbye"

Nat was suprised, how come Emma can still thinking about the kids? What about herself? 'I guess that was how Emma was' he tought. After some time alone, he went back to his room.

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