Chapter 8

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"Are you ready?"

"Ok, subject number 63194, test 4, starting now"

Emma sighed,as she finishing her daily tests. Emma was sent to a lab, the day she was supposed to be shipped. Only Isabella knows about this. You may wonder why Emma? As you know Emma has an amazingly fast learning skill, and a good athletic skill, she has the combo that the lab needed.

Everyday after she finished her tests, Emma tried to remember the map, study the surroundings. Here in this lab Emma's personality became colder, maybe because she saw dozens of children got killed everyday. But still, Emma will do her best to live and escape with some of the children here. She still want to meet her family again one day.

Emma noticed that she was the oldest of the children, she met a boy named Vincent, he was 11, a little bit younger than Emma, He was extremely smart, but he can't make decisions on his own, and then there was Barbara and Cislo, they both inherited superhuman strength they were both 10 at the moment, then there were Amara and Madelyn ( My oc ), these 2 girls have an amazing athletic skills and a great at understanding people, Amara was 10 and Madelyn was 6, based on what Vincent told Emma they both came from the same orphan one year ago. And then finally there were Hayato and Jin, both were very close, they inherited weird abilities, both were 8 at that time.

Those kids, were the children who survived here the longest, She planned to only take them if she escapes, she already told the 7 kids about the plan, and they all agreed to help Emma. You may wondered why Emma only take these 7 kids? well thats because the other kids were hopeless, the other kids were failed experiments. Thats why Emma can't take them, they may be dangerous.

Everyday in the lab, when there was a chance, Emma tought the children everythingt she knew, she wasn't suprised that all of them will understood quickly.

Emma wanted to meet her family again, it was her greatest wish at the moment

"I wonder how's the others doing right now"Emma tought everyday.

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