Chapter 5

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The next day, all of the children woke up late. The house felt weird, empty, cold. The younger kids expecially Phil were very quiet this day. The oldest 6 kids try to put their act up.

After luch, at free time Norman went to the library and listen to his recording. 

"Hello Norman, if your hearing this that means im gone now... anyway, im here to say thank you for everything, thank you for being my bestfriend, thank you for always being there for me. Please take care of our family, they need you. And i also wanna talk about our plan. As you know Ray plans to kill himself but we dont want that happen do we? so, i suggest you ask Don to come with you, we know that Ray plan to kill himself at midnight the day that he turn 12, i believe you already has a plan set in mind Norman, please believe in yourself. Also Norman Sister Krone gave me a pen, check under my bed there will be a small box, inside that box you will found a lot of the informations you'll need. You may tell Ray about this. Thank you for everything Norman... goodbye"

Those were Emma last words for him, Norman cant give up now, he promised to Emma that we will escape. "Goodbye Emma... Thank you for everything" Norman whisper under his breath crying. He spend some more time in the library alone before went outside.

As for Anna, Anna went to her bedroom sit beside it and started to listen to her recording.

"Dear Anna, its me Emma if your hearing this that means you alredy know about the house's secret. Im sorry we didnt tell you sooner, anyway Thank you Anna, thank you for being there for me, for our family. Anna please take care of Norman, and Ray they may be reckless and selfless,  i believe in you Anna. And tell the children about the plan and the house's secret without Norman or Ray knowing. Train them, prepare them for the outside world. And ask Nat, Don, and Gilda to help you. And also you may need to study medicine. Thats all Anna. Goodbye and Thank you."

 After listening to this Anna quickly wipe her tears and put her smiling sweet face on, and went to see Nat, Don and Gilda and the other children. 'of course Emma... thank you' she tought to herself befor running outside.

"Nat, Don, Gilda!"Anna called waving her hand as she saw the three of them doing the laundry. "Have you guys listened to yours yet?"Anna asked while taking a white blanket. The 2 boys said no and Gilda said yes. "Hmm... well Emma said we need to tell the children without Norman and Ray knowing it, what should we do? I mean... Ray and Norman have been really down... And we only have 2 months to prepare." She continues as she fold the white blanket and put it in a basket.

"Ok... i suggest Don and Gilda train them and prepare them, and also teach them maybe? Me and Anna will tell the children, and prepare the stuffs. " Nat suggested. 

"Ok then, what training should we do and how?" Don said. They all knew that without Norman, Ray and Emma help, this will be hard and challenging but they will do their best.

"Well, we know that we need to tie a rope to a tree beyond the cliff that means practice your throwing, and we will use these clothes hangers to cross it, so we need to prepare them so they understand how and wont be scared later" Gilda contiues as she hang some clothes.

"Ok, the plan is set, we'll do our best" Don said while raising one of his hand, and running towards to the group of kids.

Authors note:
So this take place After conny was shipped, and this was 2 months before Ray's birthday. In this story the kids didnt visit Sister Krone, Sister Krone wont do a big impact in this story. And also the scene when mama broke Emma's leg didnt happen

Thats all, thank you for reading :)

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