Chapter 19 { The promise } ( Slight Rayemma )

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*Meanwhile in Gracefield*

*February 2046

( FlashBack )

"This sisters... , Matilda, Jessica, Sienna, Scarlet... the best of the best...,hm? whats this? ohh I see" Isabella tought to herself.
Its been almost a year and Isabella have been promoted by Peter Ratri to become a Grandma, afterall its Grandmother Sarah's fault that she cant control her.

( FlashBack ends )

"So... what do you think? Will you help me destrop this farm?" Isabella drank her tea.

"Even if we join you, theres no guarantee they'll come back and no guarantee that you wont betray us" Jessica stated, and earning some grunts from her friends

"And... can we really fight back?" Sienna continued putting her hand on her chest. The ones who became sisters, mothers, and grandmother will be implanted a chip on their chests, that will explode of you try to escape.

"I'll try to unactivate it, and let me ask you. We are the sisters, the chosen ones, the best of the best, we already beat a dozen of girls who want to become a sister, we CAN survive until now. And don't you want a world where we dont compete with friends? where there are no shipments? Where we can love our children dearfully... We know the truth before, but we didnt even think to end this all, 'Its to kill or to be killed' is what they tried to make us believe, altough its true... they're scared that we will unite and fight back afterall we're much smarter than them, my children taught me that, Fortitude and solidarity are the keys to winning, We needto unite and be smart. Demons only want to eat, eat and eat." Isabella explained
"So are you in? Ill take full responsibility"

( Actually that is still a flashback- this is present time im gonna stop talking now-)

"Matilda, prepare the sisters. We expect that they will attack next week"

*The shelter*

"I want you all to listen to my plan"

Emma had been preparing for two weeks, studying alot new things. She refuses any help.
Her family from Gracefield were worried. But Vincent and Barbara told them not to worry because when they try to escape Emma locked herself. Not wanting a single mistakes that could happen.

"See this?" Emma opened her pen
"As i said to some of you before, i've made a promise with this world's God, 'I want all cattle child to escpae to the human world, and sever all connection between the 2 worlds' Thats what i asked. We can go straight to the door between two worlds or we can rescue Phil and the others first. But there's no guarantee that we will end up in the same place." She explained

"But what about the Ratri clan?" Anna asked
"Don't worry I said all cattle children, not them, leaving them behind is the prize. Altough for us its a win-win situation" Emma continued
"Doesn't it sounds to good to be true?" Ray stated, earning some "yeah" from the others
"Don't worry about it" Vincent said.

After some times they all decided to rest for a while.

*Knock knock* ( who's there-? nvm )
"Come in" a voice said.
"Vincent sorry to bother you but may we ask, what did you meant by 'Dont worry about it'?" Norman asked.

"Well Emma always wants to live with her family with or without demons, she actually didnt care that much. As long that you're safe and live happy she's fine with anything. Thats why she tried to escape. If you didnt make it out alive Emma, wouldn't even try to escape." Barbara explained. Laying on Vincent's bed, while Vincent is doing Madelyn's hair.
"How do you know she's not lying? I mean with her personality she would sacrifice herself..." Gilda continued.
"Didn't she told you already? Her personality changed, even we, who didn't know much about her before, we realized that she became colder." Amara stated, earning nods from the others.
"Emma cares about you guys alot" Madelyn said, playing with a comb.

After discussing with the lab kids for a while the oldest children from Gracefield decided to discuss by their own, in their hangout spot, the library.
"Ray... we know you're worried about Emma. But we should trust her" Gilda said, trying to break the tension.
"I agree with Gilda Ray, we also dont want to take the risks, but it will be worth a try. We care about Emma too you know" Norman agreed with Gilda, trying to calm his bestfriend.

But Ray didn't seem to care, He wants a guarantee that Emma will be safe. He want to go to the human world with Emma. He want to be there for Emma. He will be there for her.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Ray said, walking out of the library

"Ray?" Emma called her friend.
"E-Emma?" He startled afraid the she might heard their conversation.
"Whats wrong?" She asked concernely.
"Nothing Emma, nothing..." He said
"Dinner's almost ready Emma" He continued

*Night Time*








"Mom...everything is ready"

found this and its sooooo cutee and cool :D

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found this and its sooooo cutee and cool :D

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"Goodjob Emma."

Author's note:

Happy Valentines Day!!!

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