Chapter 11 { The Escape }

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*Time skip to 14 January ( because the author sucks ;-; )*

"Ray, be ready for tommorow, you're going to get shipped" Mama said coldly, ever since Ray became Mama's spy he and Mama routinely meets up. 

Ray just shrugged, and went outside. He was thinking that today was the day He's going to die. Ray didn't do much for today, but just for today he went outside and play with the other children including Norman. 

As they play tag, Norman went to Don and talk to him. "Meet me infront of the dinning room 11.30 pm". Don just nodded and went to play.

"Thoma, Lannion get ready for tonight ok? You too Don, don't let this plan failed" Gilda said smiling to the kids.

'Today is the day that we will try to escape. No. We will escape' Anna tought to herself, she knew she was ready, and so were the others. They trained for this, Anna studied basic medic, Don, Gilda and Nat studied the outside world, altought there's not many informations, but using the Minerva's books they can atleast know where are they going to. The children also learned signs that the older kids made up for the escape, like if Don wave his hand that means 'follow him', Don will lead this group of kids.

"Alright, lets do this!"Don shouted.

*11.40 pm*

Ray was sitting in the middle of the room reading his book, then the door suddenly opened.

"Ray, tommorow you're going to get shipped you will escape first,im not lossing anybody again" Norman said straight to the point.

"Hm, tell me the plan" Ray responsed, still reading his book. Under his chair was a box, filled with oils. 

"I have a feeling you won't agree, mind to explain?" Norman continues taking a chair and sit infront of Ray.

"You know we still can't bring the other kids" Ray said standing up, and taking the box out of the place before. "After all i wont be coming" Ray continued emmotionlessly, as he reveals the oils to Norman.

"My whole life sucks, but im happy i can meet you, and Emma and the others."Ray said as he pour the oils, to other places and himself. He can see the horror in Norman's eyes.

The clock streaks at midnight, ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. The sound of the clock filled the room, as Ray light a match

"Thank you for every thing Norman, My life was a mess but the time i spend with you and Emma were nice" Ray said droping the match.


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