Chapter 14 { The Puzzle 2 }

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The peoples at the bunker spend 2 whole hours trying to solve the puzzle and tried to open the "door". 

"Find a place where you can 1 until 1..." Nat mumbled, 
"Its a place..."
"THE PIANO" Nat shouted, he ran to where the piano are, he open the piano cap and found two numbers 
"Yeah, good job Nat how'd you figured it out?" Gilda asked
"Well it seems like its a music number" Nat answered
"GUYS ITS OPENED" they heard Ray shouted, and ran to the bedroom
"I tought there is still two more to figure it out?" Yuugo asked
"Well we all have these two numbers" Ray answered, showing his neck and point at the number "94"
"So that means the password is 2894" Anna continues smiling.

Then suddenly a ladder falls, leading them upstairs, they all climb up and found a secret room with a phone. They tried use the phone but its useless, they found a note that says

"Good job founding this room, be patient until the time has come"


Its been 1 month, and theres nothing, nothing from that room that will helps us. Ray and Yuugo stayed as long as they can at the secret room, waiting for someone to call.

One day

"ring... ring..."
"Hello? please help us, we finally escaped, we need to go to B06-32, but we dont have a map, help us-"

A little girl said, Ray quickly noted this. And went to find the others.

"But it could be a trap" Don protested, the oldest kids at the shelter decided to dicuss this problem.
"But WHAT IF ITS NOT?" Ray said
"We can't risk anybody..." Anna quietly said
"Norman..." Gilda mumbles
"Your right Don, but your also right Ray... one thing that we are sure is there's more humans outside, they may be dangerous like Andrew, but they may also are escapees, like us, its a 50/50 chance"Norman stated. Everyone Nod in agreement
"Let's vote shall we? write O if you agree to help them write X if u dont" Norman continued passing them each a pice of paper










"We've all voted, now lets count the votes"

Author's note:

The puzzle, and the "door" and also the "secret room" is my own ideas, the secret room is placed differently in this story, so Yuugo and Lucas didn't found this room before. And that also means they havent got the call before, so no morse codes before.

Again sorry for the bad english

Thank you for reading ❤

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