Chapter 2 ( plan ) ✔

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"Whats going on Ray? You said we were safe" Norman asked, he's clearly upset. His bestfriend is going to get harvested.

"I dont know! Mama never told me this. Your not the only one who is upset" Ray argued back, kicking the chair. He's devastated, that his bestfriend is going to get harvested.

"Ray..." Gilda said quietly

Silence... only silence. Everyone is sad, angry, worried, scared.  They were afraid that their friend, Emma is going to get harvested

"Emma... please say something, aren't you gonna do something? We'll help you no matter what. Anything... anything that will prevent you to got harvested..." Don said.

"Emma..." Norman continues. "I dont care how crazy it is, just tell us what plan do you have in mind" Norman protested. "Your gonna die... please Emma... we need you" he continues.

"What..." a voice asked




The 5 kids quickly turn around. Only to see the 2 kids standing in shock. Anna and Nat...



"What do you mean norman? She's getting adopted of course shes not gonna die."
"Hey whats going on?" Nat asked, you can hear his scared.

"Umm... Nat, Anna... there is something you need to know..." Emma finally speaks.
"Its okay Emma let me tell her" Ray said.





"What?... so mama is an enemy? We are live stocks? For demons? And your planning to escape? Wihout telling us? " Anna said, shivering.
"Why didnt you tell us?" Nat continued glaring at his siblings


"Well, we were planning to tell you after we tell Gilda and Don... but their reaction were bad. And we all decided we won't tell you" Ray explained

"Oh... I understand and what should we do now? We can't risk Emma..." Anna said, worried.

"Emma, why are you so quiet?" Gilda continues. She noticed that Emma has been so quiet, maybe she's scared? But it seems like she doesnt care that she will get killed.

"Uh? Eheheh nothing im just thinking" Emma weirdly smiled. Her face is so blank. "C'mon lets sleep now its late" Emma said.

"Yea i guess...good night everybody" Ray responsed.

They all find it weird that Emma was the one who reminded them to sleep, usually its Gilda who always remind them to get some rest. Emma always stay up late to plan the best plan.






"It goes according to the plan..." Emma tought to herself.

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