Chapter 15 { The unexpected }

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"We've all voted, now let's count the vote"












"So its settled.." 

"We are going to help them" Norman exclaimed.
"Now i suggest we build a team" Ray suggested.
"I'm in" Violet and Oliver said together.
"Someone need to take care of you" Yuugo continued.
"I'll help" Don said
"Huh? didn't you say no?" Ray asked.
"I wanna be the first one the say 'see i'm right? what did i told you'" Don answered
"Hm, so we have Violet, Ray, Don, Yuugo, and Oliver" Norman said
"Count me in" Gillian shouted.
"And Gillian"
"We will be moving tommorow morning, so be prepared" Ray said
They all nodded

*Time skip tommorow*

"Bye bye be safe" The children and people at the bunker said their goodbyes
"We will be out for 2 weeks, if we didnt find anything we will go back" Yuuga explained.
"Be safe, please" Gilda started crying.
"I will, i promised right? to Emma, to you, to everyone" Ray said hugging his crying friend.


"Its been quite long since we when outside together" Violet said
"Yeah, anyway so we will check south first right?" Don asked, trying to remember the map
"Yeah, lets hope the best" Oliver continued

*Time skip 1 weeks later... again-*

"Let's head to North yeay" Don complained.
"C'mon cheer up" Violet tried to cheer his brunette friend

"Sssshhhhhh" Ray suddenly shush them.
"There" Ray giving them a sign.
They heard something from  a cave.
"Hello?" Oliver tried to find someone.

There they found

some Children around 8 until 13, and the 2 teens held the other protectively. 
"Hello? we're from the B06-32" Ray tried to appreach them.

"You look like Ray and Don" 
"How'd you know our name?"


Author's note:
Hi, its me... again-
Anyways thanks for reading and vote this book if you like it!

If you noticed i didn't include some of the original characters, its because they won't do great impact in this story.

Thanks for reading 

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