Chapter 3 ( 'adopted' )✔

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One week later...

The morning of the day that Emma is going to be 'adopted' has finally came... But without hesitation Emma woke everyone up like the usual.
"Wake up everyone, get ready, and dont be late for breakfast!" Emma shouted causing everyone to wake up. They all got ready and went downstairs. Emma was carying Phil, and the other younger children followed her. 

"Good morning Norman, Ray, and Don!" Emma greeted as she saw the 3 boys. She knew that she will be harvested tonight, but she will do her best 'till the time has come

The 6 kids, Norman, Ray, Gilda, Dona, Anna and Nat was shocked that Emma can still put her bright smile on her face, they appriciated that. Yesterday night after Emma went to bed the 6 kids try to make plan, so that Emma wont get harvested but the risks are too high and knowing Emma, she will rather be Harvested.

"Good Morning Emma..."both Norman and Ray respoded. This 2 boys are devastated that their bestfriend will die toninght. 

"Good morning, Ray, Emma, Norman and everyone"Mama suddenly came, smiling. Other kids may thought that Mama's smile was warm, kind, calming. But for those who know about the house's secret will thought that this smile is what they feared, the kind hearted Mama and sisters, will lead them to their deaths.

The day went normal, they play together, study together... , and then finally the time has come. The time that Emma will get "adopted".  Emma was ready with her outfit, suitcase. She told the others her final goodbye. As for the other 6 kids, they all cried. Yes, even Ray, Emma gave them a warm smile, and hug each one of them and whispered "tTke care of yourself and the others".  Gilda and Anna were sobbing hugging Emma just like the other younger children.  


And finally she was gone... Emma went to the gate with mama. The 6 kids cant do anything, the one thing that they are sure is, that they will do their best to make Emma's dream come true

But little did they know that Emma wont be harvested instead they took her to the...




























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