Chapter 6 { Rayemma }

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At the same time Ray was in the library, he was thinking of how stupid and careless he was, letting Emma, whom he fell in love with, gone. Ray had been in love with Emma since he was a kid and that feeling never changes. But instead he let her got killed. He take the recording from Emma out of his pocket, and started listening.

"Hey Ray, didn't expect you to listen to this y'know, Ray... please don't get too sad. Our family need you Ray, please protect them, help them. Anyway about the plan, i found some things inside this house. A while ago while reading, i found some books that will help us, it contains information about the outside world and much more, i told Sister Krone about this and she said this books were familiar to her, but she didnt remember anything more. The books were in my desk, you may check it. 


Thank you Ray, for being there for me, for reminding me about anything. I love you Ray... Thank you and Goodbye"

Those were Emma's last words for him. 'I love you too Emma' he tought to himself crying. 

After a while he started to search the things Emma mentioned. He went to Emma's bedroom and found Norman looking for something. "Norman? what are you doing" Ray asked, though he already knew why

"Ah Ray, good timing Emma wants me to see something" Norman answered, looking the things Emma asked him to found. Then he found a box wraped in white blanket near the wall. As he tried to reach it, Ray suddenly move the bed, causing Norman to be pushed. "Why did you do that?" Norman complained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Just move the bed you idiot, its way faster" Ray said while taking the box and the books. "I wonder how Emma found this and why not telling us sooner?" Ray continues while putting the box and the book on Emma's bed.

"I dont know... what was that book for?" Norman asked as he opened the box. He found a pen. 

"Emma asked me to found this but what's that box for?" Ray asked while flipping the pages of the book.

Norman tried to open the pen and a screen suddenly opens from the pen. Its a code, but fast enough Norman knows what it means. Ray also found morse codes on the pages of the book. Both of the things has the logo owl on it. Again, both of them quickly understood what it means. But one thing they were unsure is 'how did Emma got this, and why didnt she tell us?'

Author's note

Thank you for reading :)

Anyway feel free to comment about anything ( maybe you have some suggestion, ideas, etc. )

Feel free to ask about this AU ill try to explain it without giving sspoilers.

Again sorry for my bad grammar.

One more thing, i decided that this story won't be focused on Rayemma and i will put { Rayemma } for the chapters that contains Rayemma 

Thats all


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