Chapter 9

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*1 month later*

"December 15 huh? 1 month again before I turn 12"Ray mumbled under his breath. This past 1 month had been hard for him, for everybody. Since Emma was gone the house became colder and quiet. Ray actually had given up about escaping, but he knows if Emma was here she would't let him.

"If Emma was here" was the sentence that all the kids tought everyday. All of them knew they have to be strong for Emma. The children who were planning to escape were all doing fine, they understand the situation quickly, none of the oldest kids expect this. 

As for Phil, who was 4 at the time, Phil was a smart kid, a kind hearted one, he was very attached to Emma, and Phil was the youngest who knew about the house's secret. Emma told him, after he asked her. Phil promised Emma that he will take care of the younger children and stay strong. And Emma promised Phil that if they escaped, after 2 years no matter what they will come back and took Phil with them. 

Don, Gilda, Anna and Nat would usually calls Phil, and told him what he needs to do. Ray and Norman sometimes come to the library at midnight to discuss the plan like they used to.

Everyday the kids would train at free time. Mama usually keep an eye on Norman and Ray, so the others won't worry about Mama finding out, after all Ray and Norman didn't even know this plan.

"Annaaa, we made the rope" Jemima cried out, handing Anna the rope. Alicia, Jemima and Yvette was told to help Anna with the rope.

"Thank you all, you've done a very good job"Anna responsed. patting Jemima's head and smiled. 

*meanwhile with Don, Gilda and Nat*

"YESSSS FINALLY" Thoma and Lanni cheered, the water rocket finally succeeded.

"Good, we're basically ready to escape"Gilda said, clapping both of her hands together.

"YEAHHH!!!" The children cheered

'Christmas is near, we can hear Emma's christmas recording' Norman tought, he was planning to hear Emma's Christmas recording with the other children.

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