Chapter 20 ( The end p.1 )

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"Hey Barbara... remember when you said that you want to eat demon meats too?" Emma 'reminded' her.
"I uh... well its not fair when the 'god' that will bring you to the human world is also a demon." Barbara answers.

They were preparing the last minute preparation, they were going to attack Gracefield today. Each has practice different kind of weapons, knives, guns, arrows. Yes even the youngest ones.
Altough Barbara will only bring a bat...

"Ok Everyone... this is it, we will decide what will the future will be" Emma gave a speech before going. Her hands holding Ray and Norman.
"You heard her idiots, do your best" Ray smiled ( sfbisujaskjsnk )
"Mhm... We will make sure no one will get left behind" Norman smiled warmly, while glaring at Ray because of what he said.

*Meanwhile in Gracefield*

"Bring me my children Emma..." she muttered.
All the sisters in Gracefield agrees to help her. They are ready to face death. 

Suddenly the alarm went off.
"They're here." She said, before preparing her guns.

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