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After happy dropped salt off at their house he drove me back to the tower.

I step out of the elevator and I don't see anyone. I go into my room and lay on my bed.

Things have started to get better, but there's this thought in the back of my mind that things are going to get worse than they were before.

This is all to good to be true, it has to be.

My phone chimes and it's a textassage from a number I don't recognize.

(unknown) hey. this is matt, wades older brother. He was saves in your phone but I didn't want to go through all your private messages. This is Peter, right?

(P) this is Peter, what's up?

(unknown) wade's surgery went bad, like way worse than they thought it could. He has to have a few more surgeries but he should be okay. He said he wanted me to tell you just in case he has to get a prosthetic.

(P) prosthetic as in he might loose his leg?!? Do you know when I'd be able to go visit him again????

(Unknown) they said it could be a month.

I turn off my phone and put it on my bedside table. I feel like I should be crying, sobbing and throwing things across my room. Nothing.

I get up and walk around my room. I take a deep breath and push my hair out of my face. This is going to be a long night.

I must have walked the length of my room 100 times at this point. I haven't started crying yet, but I've never felt so lost.

I put on my spiderman suit and swing out of my window. Even just the masculine body of the suit is comforting. I can't be on top of stark tower, I need to go somewhere else.

I swing from rooftop to rooftop until I get to the same neighborhood I found wade in. Still no tears or screams, what the hell is wrong with me??

I get to the top of a fairly tall building, tall enough to get a good view of the city, but not tall enough to catch the clouds.

I sit in the edge and take off my mask. No one can see me up her anyway. My eyes start to water, but not from fear, or anything else, just the wind.

I take out my phone and text wade.

I love you. Tell mr.stark I'm sorry.

I start to get dizzy, and fall forward. It's not like I wasn't going to jump anyway.

A/n sorry for the late update and short chapter! I got a new phone and just figured out how to sign into my account!!  

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