ch.21 (slight sh)

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I step out of the elevator and go to my room to put my stuff down. I walk back out and everyone is sitting on the floor playing monopoly.

Mr.stark is winning, obviously. "Peter! How was the visit?" He asks. "it was good." I say. "how was school?" Natasha asks. Steve elbows her in the side. "it was good, no one really noticed I was gone accept ned, flash and salt." I say.

"oh yeah, wasn't salt that smart kid you were talking about?" Natasha asks Steve. "yeah, Peter told me their group was the one of the only ones to finish the escape room." He says.

I open my front door and hang up my back pack and jacket in the same place I always do. It's a mess in here.

I spend an hour picking up the empty soda cans and food wrappers. It's not perfect, but it's home. I light the candle by my parents photo and make myself some food.

I sit down in the living room and put one of the camcorder tapes into my player. I watch videos of me and my dad playing in the yard at my grandma's house.

I was five when my grandma filmed this. I'm running around her yard in a bright pink tutu and an even brighter pink tee shirt with a matching bow in my hair.

I finish my food and throw the plate into the sink. Everyday it piles higher. I need to fix that. I'll do it later. I'm tired.

I go to my room but stop in front of my dads old room. I still can't make myself open the door, so I move on to my own room.

I lay in bed and stare at my ceiling for awhile. The room feels like its spinning, the whole house does.

I stand up and take off my hoodie before going into my bathroom and vomiting. I used to do it on purpose but now it happens almost every time I eat...

I grab a mint and lay in bed again. I'm so tired.

But I can't sleep. I throw my hoodie on again and decide to walk down to the coner store. it's about 2 miles away.

I get a few energy drinks and walk up to the counter. "pack of smokes to, mal silver longs." I say, putting my items on the counter. "Aren't you a little young for that?" He says.

I put my fake id up on the counter. He scans it and shrubs before grabbing the pack of cigarettes from behind the counter. "25.37" he says.

I know I shouldn't smoke. I started smokeing when dad died, I guess it just stuck with me. I guess seeing your dad kill himself will do that to you.

I get home and put the whole bag in the fridge. I get my smokes out and go to my room. I take off my hoodie again and light another cigarette.

I pace around my room until it's nearly gone. I put it out on my arm like I always do.

Tomorrow will be a better day. It has to be. Right?

(time skip to the next morning ig)

I wake up and don't move for a while, I don't even know how long. I can't move. I can but something is telling me not to.

I reach to check my phone.

Ned: you guys want to hang out? We could all go visit wade

Peter: he's only allowed one visitor at a time. We should still hang out though

Flash: you guys want to go to the park or something?

Ned: or we could come to my house and play video games.

Me: sure. What's your address again?

It's too far for me to walk, so I call a taxi. Need house is huge. The picture of the American dream home, white, 3 story house with windows on every floor, and a nice porch.

"hey salt!" I hear Peter running up behind me. We knock on the door and needs sister answers. "h-uh hey." I say. I try to lean in the door frame but I miss and fall.

"smooth." Flash says. I flip him off and he kicks my hands. Asshole. Peter helps me up and we all go to neds room.

We ended up watching all the star wars movies. Peter told me they were in order, but the first three were clearly made after the next three, or the budget got cut.

We laugh and make jokes, but not about each other. We make popcorn, and no one makes fun of me when I eat most of it on my own, they just make more.

Is this what friends are supposed to be like?

By the end of the night my lungs hurt from laughing so hard. I start to walk home then Peter offers. To give me a ride.

"no thanks, I'll just walk home." I say. "are you sure? It's already dark out." He says. "no realty it's-" "get in the car kid." His driver rolls down the window and leans his head out.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. Things have been hectic lately! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to drink water and get some sleep!!

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