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Pov. Peter
Cap laughs so hard that he starts coughing, so does wade. Bucky just keeps his head down on the table. It's hard to see his face because of his hair, but you can still tell he's embarrassed.

"that is the funniest thing I've ever heard!" Wade says, trying to calm himself down. Cap looks kind of embarrassed too.

After lunch, the students spent the rest of the day designing suits, or redesigning other suits. I made an update to my spiderman suit. Flash did the same, and I hate to admit it but, it actually looked really cool.

At the end of the day, I stayed at the tower instead of getting on the bus and going back to school. I grabbed my stuff and got into the elevator after everyone left.

"take me to the pent house please." I say as the doors close. "of coure, peter" Friday says. The elevator goes up.

"hey guys." I say, walking out into the living room. "Peter! Tell me what happened at lunch, they won't tell me!" Ms.romanoff says, jokingly.

I look at cap and uncle bucky. They both seem nervous. "nah, I'm good." I say, walking to my room to put my stuff away.

I throw my backpack next to my desk. I hear something from the next room over.

"pep, listen, I have no other choice! ... No- ... i- ... I can't put him back in the system! ... No, I'm not sending him back! ... Have you seen the kid? ... look, I don't care if you have to spend millions to get this shit sorted, but he's not going anywhere! ... NO! I DON'T FUCKING CARE, FIX IT!"

I smile and look through my closet for my suit. Last time I was on patrol, I saw a street I hadn't been down yet, so that's where I'm heading today.

I put on my suit and tape a note to my door saying I'm out on patrol, before swinging out of my window.

I swing around for a while, not really seeing much of anything. I notice flash walking around, and swing down to try and suprise him, so I can mess with him.

As I'm around the corner about yo walk out infrony of him, I hear him talking to someone.

"you know, I really fucking love that needy fucker that always sits with parker. He's fucking beautiful." It isn't hard to tell he's wasted. Now I can't help but listen in.

"which one?" One of his friends asks, also clearly drunk. "that leeds kid, I don't know his name, but I do know he's fucking beautiful." Flash says.

"isn't that kinda weird?" His friend says. "shhhhh, you and I both know, I have only the *hic* best taste in men" flash says.

As he walk by the ally I'm hiding in, he starts to fall. I catch him, and help him stand again.

"are you fucking spiderman?" He says, slurring his words. "you okay? You seem pretty wobbley there." I say. "I'm fine, but like, who are you?" He says.

"Can't tell you that." I say. I notice him looking me up and down, and I start to feel uncomfortable. "why are your hips so wide? You look like a girl" he says. I feel my heart sink into my stomach.

"well, I gotta keep New York safe, see ya!" I say, swinging away as fast as I can. I swing all the way back to stark tower, and into my window.

I change out of my suit, and into a hoddie, and sweat pants. I decide to go to bed, because tomorrow I have to work on keeping my identity secret aroud my class.

I lay down a hear a text ping on my phone. It's from wade

Wade: hey, I love you, get some sleep, I hear spiderman is going to eat lunch with us tomarow, and need told me you feel kinda sick, so get some sleep, maybe you'll meet spiderman. I love you.

I laugh a little, forgetting he doesn't know I'm spiderman. I guess when ned heard he started to cover for me. It makes me think about what flash said, about ned.

Now that I think about it, he's never said anything mean about ned, other than he hangs out with ne to much, was there another meaning to that? Was he jealous?

Either way, I eventually drift off to sleep.

~the next day~

I get out of bed and notice a note slid under my door. I walk over and pick it up.

Here's that binder I ordered you kiddo, be safe. -irondad

I ooen my door and there is a box sitting outside of my doorway. I pick it up and inside is what looks like a weird sports bra. I put on over my head like a tank top, and my chest is flat.

I don't know why, but I almost started to cry. My chest was flat, and I could breathe like normal. I put on the rest of my formal wear, and take the elevator down to the bottom floor.

I run out of the building and litteraly run into wade on the way to the train.

"oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I say, fucking up my stuff as fast as I can. "it's totally fine! I prom- wait, Peter?" Wade says. "hm? Oh hey wade!" I say.

"I didn't think you would make it to school today. Ned told me you were feeling sick, are you sure you're well enoght yo go to school? You look a little pale." He says, putting his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature.

"wade, I'm always pale, I like, never leave my room." I say, jokeingly. "well, you don't have a fever. If you get sick, call me, I'll bring you tea." He says, fluffing his hand through my hair

"I'm fine! Seriously!" I say, pushing his hand away from my hair. We talk on the train ride, and he seems really excited.

"for real, spidean is my second favorite hero, like, I like the winter soldier and all, but spiderman is awesome! I can't wait until we get a little back story, I bet who ever it is is super cool! Like you Peter!" He wanted like that for the entire ride, and I sat and listen to all of it.

When we got to school, flash was talking to one of his friends, and I couldn't help but remember what I heard him say last night.

I walk over to ned and all three of us sit there looking at memes and laughing untill the bus arrives.

This time, we have to have two per seat. We lined up and that's how they decided who sat where. I ended up sitting by wade, and flash and ned sat across from us.

"so umm. What your name?" Flash asks, the most polite I've ever heard him. "hm? Oh, uh, my name is ned." Ned says awkwardly.

Wade and I talk for while ride the same way we did on the train ride. He wanted about how cool spiderman was, and I listened.

When we get to the tower, I hand out name tags again, and flash is still trying to talk to ned, and ned is just going with it.

I wonder what today will have in store.

A/n I hope you like this chapter, I had written dome angst, and then I remembered I was trying to give myself more experience writing something wholesome, so I got rid of it, but I saved that idea. anyway, expect one or two more wholesome chapters, these are kinda fun to write. Get some sleep! -your bi dad

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