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Pov. Peter
Mr.stark insisted that I spend the night at the tower, but I told him, that would only make things worse.

When I got home, I tried to run up the stairs before mr.lenetti notices me. He slams his fists on the table and the dishes clatter. Too late.

"get your ass back here, right now!" He yells. I slowly step off of the stairs and walk over to him. "yes, mr.lenetti, sir." I say, like he always tells us too. "where were you Stacy?" He asks. I try not to shiver at my deadname.

"I was at my internship, with stark industries." I say. "did you tell anyone about this?" He says, motioning to my face. "no sir." I lie.

"then why did Mr.stark come by the house today?" He says, standing up and grabbing me by the collar of my hoodie. "I don't know" I say, trying to lean back, away from him.

"DON'T LIE TO ME! YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY!" He screams, throughing me to the ground. I cover my ears with my hands, and he kicks me in the back.

"Jackson stop!" Ms.lenetti yells. "SHUT UP!" He screams at her, throwing a plate at her. She ducks and the plate shattered on the wall.

"please, I'm sorry! I'll tell him it was a joke! I promise!" I say, trying my best to turn his attention away from Ms.lenetti, so she doesn't get hurt.

"you!" He says, lifting me by the collar again. "you better not slip up again. I'm going to the bar." He says, spamming me into the floor before walking out the door.

"Peter! Are you ok?!" Ms.lenetti says, running over to me. "I'm fine, are you ok?" I ask. "yeah" she says. "um, Ms.lenetti, I can see blood on your hand." I say, pointing out the small but deep cut on her hand.

"I'll be okay, maybe you should just go upstairs." She says. "ok, if you need anything, and I mean anything, I'm here. He won't be back until midnight, he never is." I say, walking up the stairs to my room.

I sit on my bed, pulling up my sleeves. The scars are mostly gone. I guess my superhealing is better than I expected.

Mr.lenetti sends a message to the group chat. "going with a babe. Won't be back untill Tuesday." So, I have at least 4 days with out him.

I get another text, this time from wade. It's a picture of a super over saturated hallway with shadow figures. The next text he sends just say "me and my inner demons eating beans and handfuls of shredded cheese."

I look at the time and notice that it's almost 11:30 at night. "go to bed" I text him. "never" he responds. I laugh, and suddenly I'm hit with a realization.

Wade doesn't know I'm trans. He thinks I'm cis, what if he doesn't like me after he finds out I'm trans? I'm hit with a wave of intrusive thoughts and dysphoria

I hesitate, but I take out my box or razor blades, and I hold one in my hand. I slowly put the blade close to my arm. My phone buzzes again.

I put down the blade and look at my phone. It's wade again. "hey babe, are you ok? I just got a sinking feeling, is everything ok?" He texts.

I don't know how to respond, until I notice that I'm crying, and holding the blade closer to my wrist than ever before. "help." I text, but knowing what else to do.

Everything happened without me realizeling. I waited, holding the blade, moments away from a mistake I may never be able to take back.

My phone rings, and I take the blade away from my wrist, and throw it across the room, I pick up my phone and try my best to stop crying.

"Peter?! What's going on?" Wade asks, frantic. "I... I didn't want to, I mean I did but I didn't actually think I would, and then you texted and then." I say, running on.

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