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Pov. Peter
I walk into the lunch room and sit down by wade, mj, and ned. Flash is sitting next to ned and wade is glaring at him.

"Peter, hey." Flash says as I sit down. Part of me wants to cry, after knowing flash almost my entire life, this is the first time he's called me by my chosen name.

"What's up?" I ask. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I thought it would make me look cool but instead it made me an asshole. I'm sorry." There was a genuine tone in his voice, with a hint of pain.

"I'll forgive you," I say. "but just don't do it again, that sucked." I say. I can see wade untense a little. Salt walks over to the table.

"hey, can I sit with you guys, my friends are being assholes." They say. "sure, is it ok with you guys?" I ask. Everyone nods.

"thanks." They say, sitting down. "so, does anyone know who'll be eating lunch with us today? I heard they'll be here everyday." Flash says.

"I'm not su-" I say, getting cut off by a few students screaming across the cafeteria. I look over and see clint, hanging out of the vents.

"I am here!" He says, landing on the ground. "did he just?" "yeah." I made wade watch bnha with me, but I forgot clint watches it too.

He walks over to our table and rests his elbow on my head. "so these are you friends?" He asks. "yeah, th-" "which one is that wade you've been talking about?" He taunts.

I turn red and bury my face into the table. "I'm kidding!" Clint
laughs. "you're hawk eye! It's so great to meet you!" Salt says, excited. "That's me, well, I think nat should be here soon, so i'mm going to go sit down. See ya!" He says, walking away.

"so you've been talking about me, huh?" Wade says, putting his head down on the table so I can see him. "maybe." I say, sitting back up.

Nothing too interesting happened at lunch, but it turns out that salt is really into a game called dungeons and dragons, and they said it was pretty fun.

After lunch, everyone went into one of the conference rooms. Mr.stark stands at the front of the room, and waves me over, so I join him.

"hello! Today we are showing off some of our tech, and answering your questions so you can have a better understanding of technology, and how it can be used." He says.

There's a collective sigh from the class. "you guys wanna see how he flys?" I say. They entire class sits up and there is a collective "yeah" "totally!" "duh!"

I look over at Mr.stark and he's already at the computer, pulling it up. "this is the basic layout of my thrusters, they use a cone like shape to increase force enough to lift me off the ground. Peter actually helped with the new fuel I use, but I can't show you that." He says.

"can we show them the new web shooters?" I whisper. "sure" he says, "and this is the basic layout for spiderman's webshooters, these were all Peter, so I'll let him explain." Mr.stark says.

"so this took forever to get right, first I had to get the shooters right so they would go far enough, then it took me forever to get the web fluid right, and I'm still working on making it better." I say.

I sat down in a chair at the front of the room while Mr.stark did the rest of the tech showcase. I ended up falling asleep.

"kiddo, wake up" Mr.stark says, shaking my shoulder. I sigh and stand up, not realizeing my foot is asleep, and I almost fall, but I catch myself.

We went up to the pent house and I put my stuff down in my room. I sit down on my bed and realize how much my chest hurts.

I took off my binder, and almost got stuck. I didn't realize that it had made it harder to breath untill I took it off.

I fold my binder, put into a drawer, and grab a hoodie. I look at phone and see a text from ned.

Chair man: heyo, I made a discord so we can have a group chat

Man spider: cool, what's the link?

I joined the discord server and decide not to set my nick name to anything yet.

#1Spidermanfan: how do I change my nick name

Pencil Leeds: go to the three lines and go to the set-user channel and type what you want your nick name to be.

Peterparker: lmao

Waah: why don't you have a nick name Peter?

Peterparker: oh shit I forgot hold on

Pp: got it

Flash: lmao pp nice

We all swaped memes and stories untill midnight. There was one Chanel I couldn't go into, and I'm not sure why. I try to ignore it and go to sleep, I have to go on patrol tomorrow after school. Even if I've been on patrol every other day of the week, I always go out on Thursdays, it was my escape.

A/n sorry about the shorter chapter, I got tired ngl. Also psa, if your binder hurts, take it off, if you get stuck or almost get stuck, its too small. get a size up, if it hard to breath, size up, if you have binder questions, dm me and ideas be happy to answer them!  -jay

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