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Pov. Wade
We sit on the roof for about an hour, just talking. The entire time, I'm running my hand through his hair to calm him, and also it's soft.

Eventually the coversation shift from suicide and trauma, to stupid things like school and memes.

"sometimes I just like, really want to hit flash with a chair." I say jokingly. Peter laughs. It's been so long since I've seen him smile like that, his big goofy grin.

"I should probably go back inside." He says. "ok, promise me something" I say. "what?" "promise me you'll at least make it to tomorrow, and then the tomorrow after that, and the next one too." I say.

"I promise" he says, pulling me into a hug. He puts on his webshooters and swing in through a window. I climb down the fire escape as quietly as I can, after putting my mask back on.

I continued with patrol, but unlike Peter, I can only cover a small area, so it's not like I even make the news or anything. After another hour, I head back home.

"Someone's home later than usual" matt says as I walk in the door. "how did you even know it was me?!" I shout. "I'm blind, not stupid." He says.

"whatever, I was going to make a hot pocket and go to bed, you want one?" I ask. "yeah sure, I want to hear all about patrol." He says.

"well, I actually talked to the boy I like." I say as I put the hot pockets in the microwave. "the one you thought was straight? How'd that go?" He asks.

"ha ha very funny." I say sarcasticly. "it actually went well, I kissed him. Well he kissed me, and then I kissed him, it's a long story." I say.

"wait, how did you manage to find him this late?" He asks. "well um, funny story. He was at the top of stark towers." I say nervously. "what?!" He shouts.

"that's beside the point! I saved his life, and I think he likes me, and i made him promise to try and stay alive as long as possible."  I say.

"wade, your my little brother, but your such a dumbass. If he kissed you, he obviously likes you, idiot." He says. "At least I didn't blind myself with mace." I joke.

We both laugh and watch TV for a while. I can't stop think about Peter. He's such an amazing person. I can't imagine any reason someone would ever hurt him or hate him.

The next day at school Peter seems happier, even smiled a few times in the hall way. We sat next to each other in homeroom.

"so I have some exciting news, we are having a school field trip to the  avengers tower! It'll 3 separate days, each day having different activities. You'll also be required to have formal wear." The teacher says.

I look over to Peter because I know how much he loves the avengers. He has his head down on the desk and hidden by his hands. I can tell he's bright red.

"hey parker! You embarrassed because everyone will know your internship is fake!" Flash yells. The teacher snips at him and he sits back down.

"Peter? What's up?" I ask, shaking his shoulder lightly. "bhmmm" I hear his mumble something under his hands but I can't understand him. "what? I can't hear you" I say.

"I'll tell you on the train ride." He says, lifting his head up for a moment. His face isn't what I expected. It looks like he's embarrassed and trying not to laugh.

Luckily, homeroom was the last class for the day.I walk with to his locker and flash tries to push him into the locker, but I grab his arm and trip him. He falls flat on his face.

"parker you idiot!" He yells. "Wasn't Peter." I say. He stands up and looks at me, trying to be intimidating, and failing. I look down at him, and pop my knuckels. He runs away.

"wade, don't fight flash, he'll use it against you." Peter says. I hadn't planned on actually hitting him, just scaring him. "I know." I say.

We walk to the station and for the first time in what feels like the entire school year, he's able to walk right through with out having to stop and rechange his metro card.

"so what did you want to tell me earlier?" I ask. "oh yeah, I almost forgot! Well, its a long story, but I live with the avengers right now. That's why I almost burst out laughing when flash mentioned my internship." He says.

I freeze. What? How? I mean, he seems so much happier now, that's good. I just don't understand how that kind of thing even happens.

Pov. Peter
After talking with wade on the way home, I'm gretted by ms.romanoff passing out yogurt parfaits to everyone. I guess I forgot how much of a family I'm part of now.

"um, hey da- Mr.stark?" I say, walking into the living room. "What's up kiddo." He says. "um, so I have a school field trip to" I get cut off. "here. You got school trip here. I know, I planned it kid." He says.

"oh, right! Well, I don't mean to bug you or anything but they said I needed formal wear." I say. "I was already going to take you suit shopping later today. Everyone of the avengers needs a suit, not just a hero one." He says.

(time skip because I'm lazy)

We walk into the large department store, and I immediately feel out of place, a kid with a hole in his shirt and grass stained skinny jeans.

"tony! How nice to see you again, who's this?" Thean behind the desk asks. "this is Peter, my s- intern. I need to get him a suit, and some more basic formal wear too." Mr.stark says.

"well, we just got a few new styles that I think you may like, and we should have the right size." The man says. We walk to the back of the store, and he hands me a few different suits.

I go into the dressing room and try them on. The first one makes me look more feminine than usual. I realize that they are all women's style suits.

With out putting on any of the other suits, I change back into my clothes and bring the suits back out. "did none of them fit?" The man asks. "no, its jus-" I say, getting cut off.

"sorry ma'm! I'll get you a different size!" He says, walking away. I can feel the tears sting at my eyes, but I try my best to hold them back.

"he's a dude!" Mr.stark shouts back at the man. "c'mon kiddo, lets go to a different shop, ok?" He says, putting his hand on my back.

"ok." I say quietly. We end up going to a smaller store, it looks family owned. We found a full suit, and a dress shirt, dress pants, and a few ties.

A/n did I just set up one of the most common tropes for non-angst writers in an angst story? Yes I did. Why? I want to write something wholesome, for now. Will I probably do this is all of my stories? Yeah, its fun and builds more of a family relationship within the group. Also, if you have any ideas, I'll always consider them! I want this story to as much yours as it is mine! -jay

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