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Pov. Peter
I wake up and look at the alarm clock. 4:30 good, I have enough time to pack my suit, get dressed, and get out the door before mr.lenetti even wakes up.

I jump out if bed and throw on my usual jeans and graphic tee shirt. I stuff my suit into the bottom of my back pack, along with the rest of my school supplies, and my phone charger.

I walk out of my room and hear footsteps. I pause for a moment, listening, it isn't him, mr.lenetti stomps more and walks faster than that.

I see Rachel, one of the other kids walk upstairs smiling, that means he isn't up yet. I walk downstairs and smell bacon and eggs.

"hey Peter! I made breakfast, my husband isn't here right now, he left in the middle of the night for a 'business trip' and wont be back untill tomorrow." Ms.lenetti says, smiling.

I run over to the breakfast bar and put down my bag next to me. "I think today might actually be a good day for a change! I mean, today I start my stark internship, and I get to talk to wade on the subway on the way there" I say.

"oh! That's fun!" She says, putting eggs and bacon on a plate in front of me. "thank you" I say, before eating the entire thing in less than 3 minutes. I grab my backpack and rush out the door, realizing I might miss my trian. "goodbye!" I say, waving at ms.lenetti as I leave.

When I finally get to school, I'm a little early, as usual. I sit down outside the school, texting Mr.stark about the internship. From what he said, I'm going to take the subway, and then walk a few blocks.

The school day goes as usual. Flash tries to harass me at lunch, and almost gets punched by wade. I fell asleep in math, got asked a question by the teacher, and got it right.

After school, wade and I walk to the subway station and hop on the train. We talk about stupid things like video games, hero-plans, and I want to try to flirt with him but I don't know if he would like it.

"I think this is your stop, peter" wade says, pointing at the doors. "oh right!" I say, getting up and grabbing my bag. "I love you" wade says as I start to walk away. I can feel my face turn red, but still, I turn around and say "I love you too" before running off the train.

I walk into the stark towers security area. I walk over to the receptionist, who looks at me. "how may I help you?" She asks. "I'm Peter parker, I'm here for the internship." I say. She smiles at me and gives me a badge, and points to the elevator.

"thank you!" I say, running to the elevator. It starts going up and when the doors open, I see Mr.stark standing in front of a white board. He turns to look at me.

"you must be the new intern, could you get me some coffee? It should be one level down" he says. "of course!" I say, pushing a button on the elevator. I return with a cup of coffee, creamer, and sugar.

I walk over and put it on the table next to Mr.stark. "I didn't know how you like you coffee so I just brought you cream and sugar." I say.

"thanks kid" he says, picking up the coffee. I look up at the white board and notice something wrong. "um, excuse me Mr.stark, I think that's incorrect." I say.

"hm? Where?" He asks, handing me the marker. "this 8 should be 7,  and if you're using this for fuel, you can't use water with the rest of these, it would explode." I say, fixing the equation and giving him back the marker.

"I didn't even notice that, thanks kid." He says. "I'm Peter by the way." I say. "nice to meet you Peter." Mr.stark says, shaking my hand. I hear an alarm start to go off across the room.

"fuck!" Mr.stark yells as he runs across the lab. I run after him and see part of his suit with sparks coming out of the wires. "what happened?" I ask.

"I think the wires got to close, grab me the electrical tape" he says. I hand him a roll of electrical tape and he fixes the suit piece. "thanks kid. Why don't I give you tour, since you'll be working here." He says.

"that would be awesome!" I say. We get in the elevator and go down a few floors. "this is the suit room, you probably won't need to come in here too often." He says. "cool!" I say, looking around at all of the suits.

We get back in the elevator and go up a few floors, just below the lab. "this is the office floor. You really only need to be here when you get coffee." He says. We go up a few floors again. "this is the med bay. Right above this is the pent house, that's where I usually am if I'm not in the lab." He says. "that makes sense." I say.

After the tour we sit in the lab and I help work on one of the suits. "you know that spiderman guy?" Mr.stark asks. "yeah" I say, nervous. "well, I'm supposed to figure out who it is, in case he works for someone." He says.

"hm.." I say, handing him a pair of pliers. "I mean like, he's just someone who goes around and helps people, its not like he has some kind of evil plan. I would like to know why he does it though." Mr.stark says.

"well, I think it might be that its an escape, because he doesn't like where he lives, and helping people makes him happy, and that way he feels like he's doing something right." I say, not thinking about what I'm saying.

"kid." Mr.stark looks at me. "what was that." He says. "that's what I think, but I don't know" I say, smiling at him. "kid, if you know who spiderman is, you should tell me." He says.

"I don't." I say. "can you hand me the wire cutters?" He says. "yeah" I say, handing him the wire cutters. I look at my watch and notice the time. "hey Mr.stark, I have to go, ill see you tomorrow" I say, waving at him as I leave. "see ya kid." He says.

I run out of the building and down. into the subway. I get on the train just in time. I have to transfer trains halfway home. When I get home, I run inside, and up the stairs.

I run into my room and put on my suit. I open the window and swing out, sitting on top of the house. I swing towards down town. I stop swinging and lower myself down to the street.

I hear someone scream and run as fast as I can to the alley it came from. "hey!" I shout. I see a man, aroud 20-ish, being beaten by an older man. The older man looks up at me, and runs at me. I web him to the wall.

After that, I helped an old lady carry groceries into her house, and she gave me a cookie. I swing away and up to the tallest building I can see, so I can have a good view. It just so happens to have been stark tower.

I hear something behind me, and I turn around to see iron man, landing on the he roof behind me. "y'know if you changed the shape of the jets it'll be quieter." I say, standing up.

"spiderman, what are you doing here?" He asks. "it was the tallest building I could see, I wanted to get a good view." I say. "who are you?" He asks. "Can't tell you" I say.

"c'mon, this isn't a choice." He says. "I'll give you a hint. You already know me" I say. "what?" He asks, trying to figure out what I mean. I swing off the roof while he is distracted.

"hey!" He shouts at me. "you don't want me to get the rest of the team involved in this!" He yells. "than figure out who I am!" I shout back at him, as I web home.

When I get back, I swing in through my window. I change out of my suit, and into pajamas. I lay down in my bed, but I can't sleep.

Eventually I drift off, after hours of staring at the ceiling.

A/n hello! I decided to write another spiderson book. I don't know why I write these so much. I hope you guys like this first chapter! Tell me if you have any ideas, they might happen.

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