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Pov. Peter
I wake up, expecting to see my parents, or ben and may. Instead I see a doctor sitting in a chair across the room from my hospital bed.

I guess it didn't work.

I try to sit up but my body slams me against the bed. The doctor looks over at me and seems suprised.

"you woke up earlier than we expected! My name is doctor brown, how are you feeling?" He asks, standing up and walking to my bedside.

"I feel fine, I guess." I say. "that's good, I can call your family if you like." He says. "no- actually... kind of? Um, the people who brought me in, who were they?" I ask. I don't know who found me, I'm guessing it was uncle bucky, but I'm not sure.

"a Mr. Steve Rogers, and Mr. James Barnes called you in. Would you like me to call them instead?" He says. "yes please, and, tell them not to tell mr.stark. i need some time before I can talk to him." I say.

I know it seems strange to not want to talk to your father figure when you first wake up, but I don't know what I would say. I don't know how I would explain that I feel selfish because of all he's done for me, that I feel like a burden. I know he'd start blaming himself.

The doctor steps out of the room and about 10 minutes later cap and uncle bucky come into the room.

"Peter! Thank god you're ok!" Uncle bucky says, running over to the bed and hugging me. "I should have just talked to you when I heard you crying, I don't know why I didn't, I ju-" he says. "stop, it wasn't you." I say, cutting him off.

"kid, you know we have to talk to tony evenually, right?" Cap says. "I know I just... Don't know how to explain it to him yet."

I honestly don't know how to explain it to them either, but it would have been awkward if I told them not to call anyone.

No one says anything for a minute. "so, how long did you have that notebook?" Cap asks. "that one? About a month." I say. "but I've kept a notebook like that since last year."

"so, lets change the topic. That field trip, the one to the tower. They postponed it untill next week, so you won't miss any of the fun." Uncle bucky says, wiping his eyes.

"oh... That's cool I guess." I say. "hey, how's the food, awful? If you want we could get some food for you." Cap says. Sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"I don't know, you don't have to." I say. There's a long silence. All 3 of our phones buzz at the same time.

It's a mission. I can't go, obviously, but it needs all the avengers. "I'll call fu-" uncle bucky starts to say. "you guys go, they need you put there." I say.

They nod and run out of the room. I'm alone again. How am I going to explain this to wade? Is wade even still alive? My questions are answered faster than I expected.

"Peter!" Wade says as he opens the door, leaning on a walker. He walks over to my bedside. I try to sit up more but I forgot how much it hurt.

When wade reaches my hospital bed, he leans down and hugs me. "Peter, thank god your still alive" he says, half to me, half to himself.

"I'm glad that you're okay too." I say. He sits down in the chair next to the bed and leans his elbows on the bed, resting his head in his hands. "I'm glad we're both okay." He says.

"I'm sorry." I say. "about what?" He picks his head up and looks confused. "I promised you that I'd stay alive, but then I sit ll tr-" "you're still alive. That's what the promise was. You didn't break any promises." He says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

Fury called us in for a mission, but he hasn't shown up yet. It's been almost an hour.

No one has said a single word. Every now and again bucky will sniffle, but that's about it.

When fury walks in, he seems somber, more than usual. No one told him what happened to the kid, so what happened?

"I heard what happened. And I think all of you need a break for being heros for a while. That's why I called all of you in here." He says, walking up to the front of the room.

"What? Who's going to protect-" Clint trys to talk, but fury cuts him off. "shield has it handled. This isn't a request mr.barton." he says, sternly.

No ones seen him like this since colson died. He still hasn't forgiven loki.

"does anyone have an update on his condition?" Fury asks. "Steve and I went to visit him earlier." Bucky says. For a split second I'm hopefull.

"did he wake up yet?" I ask, standing up from my seat. Steve looks and bucky and both of them shake their heads. I sit back down in my chair and put my face in my hands.

I don't even know what I would say to the kid. 'Hey! I'm glad you didn't kill yourself! I just want you to be happy, and alive.' Just pretend that those aren't polar opposites?

What would he say to me? How do I apologize? What do I say? Would he even want to talk to me when... if, if he wakes up. God, what if he doesn't wake up?

A/n sorry this chapter took so long! Ngl I was working on it all month and I got like, 5 words a day. It was slow. School has been kicking my butt

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