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I wake up to my alarm clock beeping at me. School should be fun today. What am I going to say?

"oh hey! Sorry I wasn't at school for a week, I tried to kill my self! How was your week?"

I don't think about that. I don't need to yet. I ooen my draws and catch a glimpse of my wrist. It just has a layer of banage on it. It's what hospitals do so they don't tell the whole hospital that someone attempted, even if the scars and healed.

I take off the bandage and its left little indents all over my wrist. The scars are still pink, and sunken in. How am I going to cover that up?

I look at the rest of my arms and I guess the one week clean was enough to heal them fully. I grab a tee shirt and jeans, and I reach for a hoodie when I hear a knock on my door.

"yes?" "hey, I wanna give you something." Uncle bucky says from the other side of the door. "what is it?" I ask as I open the door.

"here, to help cover up the scars." He hands me a set of bracelets with metal spikes on them. They're about an inch and a half thick, and look like leather.

"they're a little old, but they were mine for a while, before the whole arm thing." He says as I try them on. They fit perfectly, and cover up the scars completely.

"thanks, they look awesome." I say, shakeing my arms so they make a clicking sound. "looks cool" he says. He walks back to his room and I realize that I have to catch the train in 20 minutes.

I throw on a pair of old converse and grab my back pack before I run out to the elevator and out the front doors to the subway station.

I just nearly manage to catch the train. I scan the train to look for wade before remembering he's still in the hospital.

I put in my ear buds and listen to music the while train ride. When I get to the school itself still early and they haven't let students in yet.

"Peter!" Ned says as I walk over to the group. "where have to been parker?" Flash asks. "do you know where wade was?" Salt asks.

"wade's still in hospital, I'm going to visit him after school, if you guys want me to tell him anything." I say. I see everyone look confused, and need and salt seem concerned. Flash us just scared.

"he's in the hospital?!" Ned says. "what happened?"  Flash asks. "is he ok?" Salt seems the most concerned out of everyone.

"he kind of got run over and I had to give him cpr." I say. I try my best to be as gauge as I can.

"he got hit by a car?!" Ned's voice raises at least 2 octives when he says that. "yeah but he's fine! I mean he's not, he has a surgery coming up, but he'll be fine" I say, gripping over my words.

"surgery?!" Neds voice gets haigher. "ok wait, but where were you?" Salt asks. "me? Oh i- I was-" shit I didn't think this far ahead. What do I say?

"I was... in the hospital too." I say. I thought about lying. but need would see right through it, we've been friends since kindergarten.

"WHAT?!" Ned yells. I flinch back a little bit. "sorry, what happened?"  He says. "I um... fell..." I lie. "bullshit. What actually happened."  He says. I knew he wouldn't believe that.

"I did something stupid and almost died." I say. It's not a lie, I almost died. It just not the whole story. "what did you do?" Salt asks. I don't know what to say, what cover story to use.

I lean in and tell them the truth. "I tried to kill myself. You can't tell anyone, please." I say. They snicker and laugh a little bit. What? "they littleraly say 'dont do jackass stunts' and you still tried it?" They say, giggiling. This isn't the first time they've had to cover for thus sort of thing, I can't tell. That was to fast.

"really parker? A jackass stunt?" Flash laughs a little bit. "I thought it would be cool to post it online!" I say. School goes by and no one says anything or asks where I was.

At lunch I pull salt aside. "hey, thank you so much for covering for me. It means alot." I say. "honestly no problem, I'm just glad your ok." They say. We sit down at the lunch table and talk about stupid things like movies or d&d

Ned and flash seem to be leaning into each other, the same way me and wade do. I wonder if that's what's going on here.

"I made everyone bracelets here." Salt says, putting 4 beaded bracelets on the table. Each one has one of our names on it. I pick up the one with my name on it.

"these are so cool!" Ned says, putting his on. "yeah, they're fun!" Flash says, looking at his. I take off one of the spikes bracelets uncle bucky gave me (not on the side with my scars) and put the bracelet on before I put the spikes back on.

"I'll take wade's to him. By the way, anyone want me to tell him anything? I'm going to visit him after school." I say, picking up wade's bracelet.

"tell him I said hi" Ned says. "me too" flash says. "tell him I hope he gets better soon." Salt says. The bell rings and we all split up for classes.

Everything goes by just like it did before lunch. No one says anything. School ends and I go right to the subway station.

I ride the subway to the hospital,
And wait at reception for them to call me back.

A nurse I don't recognize leads me back to wades room. I had never been to wades room, when I was here I wasn't allowed to leave my room.

"Peter!" Wade says as I walk into the room. I can see him trying to get up out of the bed, so I run over and hug him before he can get up.

"hey" I say, kissing his forehead. "what was it like, did you go back to school?" Wade asks. I sit down next to his bed. "yeah, remember salt? Well they ditched their old friends and joined us." I say.

"they seemed really nice. How was everyone? How were you? I hope it wasn't too stressful." He says. "it was nice to have a little bit of normal back. Everyone was worried, especially about you." I say.

"I doubt that.I would have been more worried about you." He says. "yeah, but your also my boyfriend."  I say. "yeah, its kinda my job to worry about you." He says.

"they all said hi, by the way, salt made us these." I say, giving him the bracelet. We talk for hours. About school, about each other, about stupid teen stuff.

"I have to head home. I'll visit tomorrow, I promise." I say, kissing him one last time before I get up to leave.

"see you tomorrow, I love you!" He says. "I love you too!" I say as I walk out of his room. I catch the subway back to stark towers.

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