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Pov. Tony
I hear my phone ding, and I pick it up to check. When I read the notification, my heart starts to sink.

Suit: open wounds detected

I get up and run down to the lab and put on a suit. I check peters location, and he's completely still. It looks like he isn't even walking around.

I fly to peters location as fast as I can, and I see Peter crouched down, in front of a little kid. I land next to them.

"are you ok? Just breathe, it'll be okay, I promise" Peter says to the kid. "spiderman, what happened?"  I ask. "m- iron man! I'm helping out little kelen here. I was just about to walk him down to the police station." He says.

"ok, once you're done with that come over to the tower. I want to talk to you" I say.

When Peter walks away with the kid, I look around to try to figure out what happened, but there isn't anything that I can see.

I fly back to stark tower and wait for peter

Pov. Peter
After I walk kelen back to the police station and explain what happened, I swing back to stark tower to meet Mr.stark.

As I swing back, I'm pretty sure I already know what this is about, and that makes my stomach queezy.

Bucky or cap must have told him about the scars. It doesn't help that I was just on a roof top making more of them, what I thought would be the last thing I ever did, but I heard a kid screaming, and found kelen, he saved my life, kinda.

When I get to stark tower, Mr.stark is standing outside of his suit, still in his pajamas. "hey" I try to say. "what happened? Are you ok?" He asks, worried.

"what?" I say. "I got a notification from you suit that you had an open wound, so I flew to you as fast as I could, are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine, I just... hit a corner while on patrol." I lie. "show me, you might ve really hurt if you hit it hard enough to open it." He says. I start to panic.

"it's ok, I already looked at it. I'm fine, really." I say. Then I remember that I had a backup plan already in place. I start to hear my heart pound in my ears and before I know it, I'm falling, fast.

So much for my life being saved.

Pov. Tony
Out of nowhere, the kid goes silent and starts to fall. I run to the edge to catch him, forgetting I don't have a suit. Luckily my suit catches up to me and I catch Peter half way down.

I carry him inside and bring him to the living room. I run to wake up Steve and bucky and they run to the living room. I can feel myself starting to have an anxiety attack, so I sit in my room and try to calm down.

Pov. Steve (cap)
Tony opens the door suddenly, waking us both up. "Peter passed out, I think he's bleeding but I don't know where. He's in the living room." He says with more panic in his voice than I've ever heard.

I get and run to the living room. After what happened last night, I start thinking that the kid might be seriously hurt. Bucky stops me in the hallway.

"Steve, you don't think he tried to... kill himself." He says. I can see the tears start to form in his eyes. Neither of us have known the kid for more than a day, but we both already care about him so much. He's just one of those people.

"bucky, he'll be ok." I say, before rushing into the living room again. I see Peter, on the floor, in his suit. I run and kneel next to him and take off his mask.

It isn't hard to tell that he isn't breathing. I lift his back and unzip the suit slightly, taking it away from his neck. I see ace bondage wrapped tightly around his neck.


I unwrap his neck and and he still isn't breathing. I start to get scared because the only avengers who know cpr are tony, clint, and natasha.

"is that Peter?" I hear natasha say. Thank god. "he needs cpr." I say, standing out of the way. "fuck!" She says, kneeling next to Peter and doing cpr.

Pov. Peter
I wake up and see black widow leaning over me, worried. "he's waking up" she says. "I'll go get tony." I hear someone else say.

Everything is muffled, so I can't tell who's voice is who's. "Peter, are you ok?" Bucky says, leaning next to black widdow.

"I'm ok, what happened?"  Is what I tried to say, what I actually said was "I'm k, whappen" and them I ckukdnt see anymore, but I know I was still awake because I could hear everyone's voices.

"Peter? Can you hear us?" I hear him say. I know that if I try to talk again it won't go well, so I just do a thumbs up.

"can you see us?" Black widow says. As she talks, I start to regain my vision. I see Mr.stark walk over and kneel on the ground next to me, the other two move out of the way.

"Peter? Hey, it'll be ok. We're gunna take you to the med bay, alright?" He says calmly. I start to calm down. "just breathe Peter, you'll be ok." He says, reassuring.

I start to focus on my breathing, and my vision starts to get clearer and the voices aren't muffeled anymore. They pick me up and carry me to the meb bay.

Once we get there, they put me on one of the metal tables. I feel dizzy again, so I try to breath deep, but I realized that I had just started to cry, and then the pain kicked in. And it kicked in hard.

I start crying harder, and I feel like I may pass out from the pain. Mr.stark walks over to me. "Peter, I promise, you are going to be ok, I know it hurts, but you'll be fine. I promise." He says.

"I'm scared dad." I say without thinking. The world stops and goes dark and silent.


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