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Pov. Peter
Tomorrow comes, without warning.

I wake up to alarms screaming in my ears, surrounded by doctors. I can see them talking, saying my name, but I can't hear anything but alarms. My head feels like it's going to explode.

I try to scream, I don't know why but I scream. I scream and no noise comes out. Next thing I know I'm underwater. I try to scream again. Air fills my lungs as I let out the smallest little sound. I black out.

I shoot up in my hospital bed, hearing the gentle, calming beep of my heart monitor. I lay back down in the bed, staring at the ceiling. The popcorn ceilings remind me of uncle ben.

It reminds me of when we used to lay on the living room floor and find shapes in the ceiling. We would do that for hours. Now, I look up at the ceiling, and for just a split second, I swear I could see his face.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before my door opens.
Wade walks into the room with doctor brown. Wade sits in the chair next to my bed.

"well, I have good news for you Peter, the doctors you talked with last night said you're able to go home, and the people who checked you in are on the way." He says.

"I don't rember talking to a doctor yesterday, maybe I was just tired." I say. "That's very common in patients with this kind of trauma to forget events that bring back memories." he says.

"oh. Who did you say was coming to pick me up?" I ask. I'm just now sitting up and rubbing my eyes. My wrist don't hurt as much as they did yesterday, but they still hurt. Thank god for super healing.

"James Barnes, he checked you out over the phone so the process will be quick when he arrives." Doctor brown says. "and I thought I would wait with you untill he gets here, I can only take two visitors a week, and right now it's just matt." Wade says.

"I'll come back when he arrives."  Doctor brown says, leaving the room. I look at wade and notice the ace wrap around his chest again, it doesn't look like its been changed.

"hey wade, what's up with the ace wrap?" I ask, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. "hm? Oh yeah, when I hit the ground I bruised my ribs and I have a big gash there now. It kinda hurts, I think they were supposed to change the bandage before I fell asleep." He says.

"but hey, good news, they say I should be discharged in a month or so, that's good! They have to do surgery, I don't rember what for, I've had like three at this point.

"and you can come visit me! They said I'm only allowed 1 visitor a day while I'm recovering, but I don't really know who else would visit me other than you and matt."

"I'll make sure to visit you as much as I can. I promise." I say, stepping into the floor and sitting in front of his chair. "hm? Oh, you want me to braid your hair?" He asks. I nod.

When we were in middle school I used to sit down in front of him and have him braid my hair before my theatre shows, so it would fit better under my news boy cap. It became a thing I would do to help stage fright.

"I'm glad your hair is still long enough for me to braid. It's fun." He says. I sit and enjoy the moment. A moment that wouldn't have happened if my superhealing didn't save my life, you know, the one I tried to end.

I try my best not to start crying, but I guess my eyes got glossy, because wade noticed. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Don't cry sweetheart, I'm here." He says before he kisses me, on the lips this time.

"What's on your mind?" He asks, still leaned over me. "Just thinking, about this." I say. "about us?" He asks. "what are we?" I ask. "whatever you want us to be." He says, putting his forehead on mine.

"Boyfriends?" I say quietly. I didn't think he could hear me until "boyfriends." He says.

"you know what boyfriends do?" He sayslwaning back up in his seat. "uh what?" I ask. "watch stupid movies together." He says.

I pick up the remote and puts a movie from 2010 on the tv. I lean back against his chair, and he keeps braiding my hair.

After a few minutes, doctor brown walks into the room. "Peter, your uncle is here." He says. "uncle?" Wade says, looking down at me. "uncle bucky." I say, standing up off the floor.

"I'll make sure to visit tomorrow after school!" I say as I walk out the door. Uncle bucky is waiting just down the hall. He signs me out and the car ride is silent.

We get upstairs and all I want to do is sleep in my own bed.

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