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I walk up the drive way to the front door, excited to tell matt what happened at school like I always do.

I go to open the door but its locked, its never locked. I notice an extra car in the drive way, and it seem familiar, but I don't know why.

I hear glass shatter, and matt screams, I can't tell if he's trying to say something or not, but either way I don't think he's ok.

I open the window and climb inside, I walk towards the living room, where the yelling is. I see matt on the floor and bleeding, and an old woman is standing over him, yelling.


Wade doesn't say anything, he just sits on the ground with his arms blocking his bloody face. What the hell is going on?!

"hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" I shout. The woman turns around and smiles at me. She walks over with her arms open, with a warm inviting smile, but I see right through it.

"my baby! You've grown so much!" She says, trying to hug me. I still back and kick her in the shin as hard as I can, and she falls to the ground.

"how do you know my name?!" I shout, I don't know why I kicked her, I didn't mean to, it just happened. She mumbles something under her breath

"I am your mother, and your coming home right now." She says, standing up and grabbing my arm. "NO! THIS IN MY HOME, YOU AREN'T MY MOM!" I scream, I don't realize I'm screaming untill its to late.

"what just say?!" She pulls me out the door and trys to put me into her car, all while matt is screaming for help by the door.

I hear a gun shot and the woman runs into her car and trys to drive away, I dive out of the car as fast as a can, but my leg gets caught on something and my body slams against the ground.

It hurts, it hurts alot, but them it just stops. It stops hurting, then it stunts again, then nothing. I see matt try to run over to me, and I can see his mouth move but I can't hear anything, my ears are ringing.

Everything starts to get blurry as a someone else waves their hand over my face. Soon I can't hear or see anything.

I swing out into the streets of new york, and start swinging to the residential areas, I feel like I need a chill day today, and maybe I'll go surprise wade.

As I'm swinging I pass by a few people taking pictures, and photobomb a few photos, and keep swinging. Everything seems really calm today, its odd.

Suddenly the calm is broken by a gun shot near by, and a faint scream, but I can't tell what they said.

I start swinging as fast as I can, and my heart sinks in my chest. I swing faster. I see a car driveing down the road, swerving, with blood trailing it.

I go the where the gun shot was, and still hear screaming, I start to make out the they're saying.

"call an ambulance!" "wake up! Please!"

That's all I can make out, besides sobing, and I swing faster. As I get closer, I realize that I'm getting close to wades house, and now that I think about it, it sounded near his house, I hope he isn't to scared, I know he's jumpy.

I catch a glimpse of the person the sobs are coming from, he look familiar but I can't place him, he's holding someone in his arms.


I take one final swing and land next to him, his skin is pale, and his eyes are rolled back into his head. He's completely limp, and his leg is mangled.

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