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Pov. Peter
when we all get into the elevator, I check my phone to see where we're supposed to go.

Dad: bring you class up to the suit room again, and then we're gunna need spidey

Spiderboy: ok

I bring the class up to the suit room again, and the kids all split up to look at suits again.

Flash grabs Neds hand and pulls him over to the spiderman suit, I can tell ned is trying not to smile. He's awful at that.

Wade grabs my hand and pulls me over to the mark one. "this one is super cool! He had like nothing with him and he still managed to make a suit out of it!" He says.

"wait, you know that you work here duh!" He says. "hey babe, I don't feel great, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I might be a while ok?" I say. "ok, ill be here" he says.

I get in the elevator and go up to the pent house as fast as I can. I run into my room, and put on my suit. I run into the living room and see Mr.stark putting his suit on.

"ready kiddo?" He asks. "wait, are we both going?" I ask. "yup, I'm telling the world that i'll  mentor you, so you always have a reason to be here, no matter who you're talking to." He says.

"oh! Good idea!" I say. We get in the elevator and start going down to the suit room again. "hey kiddo, why don't you hop on the ceiling and scare some kids, eh?" He says, jokeingly.

I hop up to the ceiling and as soon as the doors open, I crawl out as quietly as I can over to wade. I stood up, upside down, and tapped his shoulder.

"oh my god! Spiderman!" He almost yells. It takes everything I have not to melt into a puddle on the floor at how happy he is. Next thing I know, flash and ned are right behind me.

I hop off the ceiling and turn around to greet them. "oh my god! You're spiderman! I'm so honored to meet you! I'm your biggest fan! Your my favorite hero!" He says, shaking my hand so hard it hurts.

"haha, yeah, its nice to meet you too!" I say, trying to make my voice sound lower. It ended up sounding really stupid, and ned started laughing.

"I saw that re-design of my suit you made, and I really like it, maybe it'll be my next suit. Good job kid." I say, trying to sound like an adult, the way Mr.stark talks.

"really?! Oh my god!" Flash says. He's practicly shaking at this point. "well, I gotta tour you guys, right stark?" I say, turning to face Mr.stark.

"exactly" he says. "Today we will be doing training exercises. First will be a hostage situation. You will play the role of the hostage, and try to escape, with out getting anyone hurt." He says.

"everyone in the elevator" I say. Once everyone is in, we head down to the basement, its just a large empty room.

Stones fly onto the room and it changes into a cement room with worsen stairs and a wooden pole in the middle.

"see that door there?" Mr.stark says pointing to a door with a large pad lock on the other side of the room. "your fellow class mates will wait there, and it's your goal to reach that door with the rest of your team." He says. I just stand there and nod.

Mr.stark hands me a clipboard with everyone's names on them, and a sticky note that says 'you know them, you pick teams :)'

"here are the teams. Ned, flash, and... salt?" I say, picking a random name, scratched out with pen with salt next to it, just like my name.

"That's me!" Someone in the back says. "ah! Thank you." I say. "next team, wade, mj, and..." I put teams together based of friend groups until all of the names had a group.

First up was Neds group. Mr.stark, dressed is the worst villain costume I've ever seen, tied them to the pole and left the basement, up the stairs, fo where I was, watching the cameras.

"well what are we supposed to so now?" Flash says, pulling against the ropes. "well if we all stand up, it looks like it gets thinner as it goes up, so we may be able to get out that way." Salt says.

"That's a stupid idea." Flash says. "no, dude look, I think they're right." Ned says. "ok, on the count of three, ok?" Flash says, changing his mind quickly.

They all stand up awkwardly at the same time. "I still can't get out" salt says. "neither can I" Ned says. "wait, I think I almost got it!" Flash shouts.

He wiggles and slips out of the ropes, quickly untieing ned, and then salt. They all run to the door, and try to open it, but obviously it's locked.

"you two look over there and I'll look over here." Salt says, starting to look around on the floor. "don't boss me around! Who do you think you are?!" Flash yells. Salt ignores him and keeps looking.

"flash, I think its best of we all look for the key." Ned says, calmly. "fine." Flash says, looking with ned. After about a minute of searching, salt finds loose dirt and digs up the key.

"I got it!" They say, running over to the lock. "wait for us!" Flash says, pulling Ned to the door. Salt unlocked it and they all run onto the room with the others.

Wades group didn't make it out in time, so I had to come down and united them. I made sure everyone was okay and opened the door for them.

By the end of it, only 3 teams made it out. "you can join your class if you want, the last thing is just showing off tech, so if you want you can show off how smart you are" he says half joking at the last part.

"I told everyone I was sick, remember?"  I say. "you know what, how about you help present, because after all, you helped alot. We'll just say I gave you pepto or something. Sound good?" He asks. "sounds good."

I hear uo to the pent house, and change into my midtown high sweater and a pair of jean and converse.

A/n sorry this chapter took so long! I meant to update it sooner but I got caught up in family stuff, so its also a little shorter. Sorry about that!

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