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Pov. Tony
I was so close to figuring out who spiderman was, but at least I got a clue. The next morning, when I wake up, I write out what I have on a white board in the living room.

I write Peter acting weird about it and circle it, then I write "you already know me" and circle that too. I draw two lines that connect into a point. Highschooler? I write where the lines meet.

I walk down to the lab and continue working on my new suit. I decide to change the shape of the jets, to funnel the force out, and keep the sound in.

I'll ask Peter what he knows about apiderman when he comes in for the internship today.

Pov. Peter
I wake up and quickly turn off my alarm clock before it goes off. I get up and walk to my drawers. I grab a pair of jeans, a graphic tee, and a black hoodie.

I grab my back pack and go down stairs as quietly as I can. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I hear what sounds like crying.

I look over and see mr.lenetti standing over ms.lenetti, who is using her body to shield Rachel. "Jackson please, she's only 7!" Ms.lenetti yells.

"SHUT UP! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING BACK?!" Mr.lenetti screams at her. Rachel puts her hands over her ears and cries even harder. It isn't hard to tell it's sensory overload.

With out thinking, I drop my back pack and run at mr.lenetti. he turns his head to look at me just as I punch him in the face. "get Rachel out of here!" I say to ms.lenetti. she gets up and runs with Rachel in her arms.

"you don't know what you've done, brat. mr.lenetti says, laughing. I take a step back and immediately get punched in the stomach. I stay standing, despite wanting to fall flat on the floor.

"I can see why no one wanted you!" He yells, swinging at me again. I try to block but I'm still disoriented by the first punch, I get hit in the check.

"I should just kill you!" He screams. He hits me in the nose, and I can already tell it's bleeding, I stay standing.

"you useless bitch!" He yells, swinging for my face again. This time I dodge, hitting him in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.

I run to the back porch, where ms.lenetti is comforting Rachel. I open the door, and they both get scared. "it's ok! It's just me!" I say, in my softest voice. "oh, Peter, your face..." ms.lenetti says.

"I'll be okay" I say, walking over to them. "you should take Rachel to school, and I'll just catch the subway like I usually do." I say. "are you sure?" Ms.lenetti asks. "I'm sure. Take Rachel to school." I say.

That day at school, I keep my head down, and my hood up. No one even looks at me, let alone notices the bruises. When I get on the sub way, everyone just assumes I got into a fight.

I keep my head down as I walk through security at stark tower. I step into the elevator, and hit the button for the lab, hoping that Mr.stark won't notice my face.

"hey Peter, can I ask you a few- what the hell happened to you?!" Mr.stark says as the elevator doors open, and rushing over towards me.

I guess I instinctively flinched away, because he stopped and put a hand on my shoulder, lowering himself to see my face. "Peter? What happened? Who did this?" He asks, looking genuinely concerned.

"I'm okay! I'm just clumbsy, I fell!" I say, pulling down my hood and taking a smile, the way I always do. "you fell?" He asks. "yeah, I'm clumbsy" I say.

"Peter, who did this to you?" He asks, looking more and more scared and protective. "I got mugged?" I say, knowing he won't fall for it. "Peter." He says.

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