CHAPTER 19-Petrified

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(Ophelia's POV)
"Draco!" I call as I catch up to him

"What's up Phelia" he grins

"Do you remember before the year started, we went to Diagon Alley?" I ask

"Uh yeah I'm pretty sure I do" he chuckles

"Well, do you still have the page you ripped out of that one book?" I ask

"Yeah I do actually" he mumbles as he rummages through his satchel

He pulls out a folded paper, the same paper he ripped out of the book

I unfold it 'The Basilisk: a giant snake that can live hundreds of years. The basilisk is so deadly that it can kill just by looking at you'

"Do you mind if I give it to someone?" I ask

"Uh..sure?" He reluctantly says

"Ok thank you, I owe you" I laugh as I quickly walk away towards the library

I don't know what strange force made me do this. I walk to the library, knowing who was going to be there. I search for the bushy brown hair. Finally after searching every table and between ever bookshelf I find her, with her nose in a book of course.

I don't go up to her, instead I peek from around a bookshelf, luckily she gets up probably to go find another book.

I take my chance and quickly go up to where she left the book she was reading and place the folded paper on top of it. Quickly jogging back to the corner where I was watching, she comes back and grabs the little paper, looking around the library for who could've left it there

I leave the library before she can spot me and meet up with Draco, Pansy and Blaise in the common room

"Who did you give the paper to?" Draco asks as I sit down

"Um...Eliott wanted to see it" I stutter and he just nods

"What paper?" Pansy asks

"Just a page of a book" I nervously say

"Oh...okay" she slowly says, I let out a sigh of relief as nobody asks anymore questions on where I quickly disappeared to

- - - -

(time jump: locker room)
"Alright you lot" Flint starts, huddling us up

Today we have another game against Gryffindor. I look around for my good luck charm, the boy with the brown mop of hair.

"Was Eliott in the locker room?" I whisper to Draco as we join the rest of the team

"No, didn't see him" he answers as he combs his hair back

"He's probably just late, again" he chuckles

"Right" I mumble

McGonagall walks into the locker room, with Potter and Weasley behind her, all of us sharing confused looks as of why Gryffindors are in the Slytherin locker room

"This match has been cancelled" McGonagall says

"You can't cancel Quidditch" Flint complains

"Silence Flint, you and your teammates will go to Slytherin Dungeons, now" McGonagall states

"I need Ms.Mendoza and Mr.Malfoy, there's something you four should see" she worriedly says, sadly looking at the four of us

Draco, Potter, Weasley and I all exchange confused looks, they both don't know what McGonagall was talking about either.

We reluctantly follow McGonagall towards the hospital wing

"Professor, what are we doing here?" I ask

𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now