CHAPTER 43-Start of Fifth Year

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(Ophelia's POV)
Draco left that same night and Blaise left the next day. I stayed with the Parkinson's for the rest of the summer. My trunks appeared at Pansy's the next day which puzzled the both of us

Augustus didn't try to contact me once, which I'm happy about. I'm not looking forward to seeing him next summer.

One day, a paper from the Daily Prophet came, stating that Potter was attacked by dementors and that the whole 'Voldemort's back' thing was all made up. I rolled my eyes and tossed it to the side.

But today we go back to Hogwarts. Pansy and I board the Hogwarts Express for the fifth year in a row. It feels like only yesterday I was boarding this train at eleven years old and all alone.

"Come on, the boys must be in the back," Pansy says as we walk through the train

They were, Blaise and Draco were sitting on opposite sides of the table waiting for us

"There you are" Blaise grins as he spots us

"Hey, have you guys seen Eliott?" I ask

It was Eliott's last year at Hogwarts. I still can't believe it.

"No don't think he's on the train yet," Draco says as I sit next to him

"So are you trying out for Quidditch this year Blaise?" Pansy asks

"Definitely" Blaise smirks

"What about you Parkinson? Thinking about joining the team?" Draco asks

"No way. Leaving the bludger hitting, snitch sneaking, quaffle chasing, ring keeping things up to you three" she chuckles

"MENDOZA YOU WHORE!" someone yells from the door

Without turning around I grin, "Hi Eliott"

"Why didn't you answer my letters, bitch?" He asks as he flicks the back of my head

"I was at Pansy's for half of the summer, that's why," I say, rubbing where he flicked me

"Well you're still a bitch" he grins

"Phelia, there's going to be a Prefects meeting soon," Draco says

"PREFECT!?" Eliott exclaims


"Well now you know" I grin

"Young!" Fred calls him from the door

"Gotta go!" Eliott says as he jogs towards his friends

- - - -

It was finally time to get off the train. The prefect meeting was boring...and for some reason, Weasley's also a prefect?? Didn't know they randomly gave the prefect positions out to anyone. I assumed it would be Potter and Granger, not Weasley and Granger.

As we get off the train, people around us whisper

"Bet she went mad in the maze and killed Diggory herself" a Hufflepuff whispered

"Or what if it was Potter and he threatened to kill her too?" a Ravenclaw whispered back

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter" Draco says

"Here we go again" Blaise rolls his eyes

"You better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it"

Quickly Potter lunges towards Draco. I pull away Draco while Weasley holds back Potter

"What did I tell you, complete nutter!" Draco exclaims

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