CHAPTER 12-Diagon Alley

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(Ophelia's POV)
Today we're going down to Diagon Alley to get our books for this year. Lucius, Draco and I apparate to Diagon Alley, loads of people pushing each other around making it almost impossible to go into stores.

"Follow me" Lucius quickly says. We reluctantly follow him into Quality Quidditch Supplies. Draco and I looking at each other in confusion

"Give me 7 of your finest Nimbus 2001s" he says as he looks down at us and smirks

"Nimbus 2001s?" I whisper excitedly

"That's way better than Potter's old Nimbus 2000" Draco grins

"Here you go sir" the man nervously says grasping all 7 of the shiny black brooms

"No need, send them up to Hogwarts" Lucius orders

"Will do, sir" the man quickly says as he places the brooms down, making sure they don't fall

"That'll be 7,000 galleo--"

Before he could finish that sentence Lucius drops a heavy bag onto the table causing us to jump at the loud noise of coins rattling. Without a word Lucius leads us out the store. Draco and I smile and wave at the man that sighs of relief now that Lucius Malfoy has left his store.

"I'll be back, the bookshop is over there, now hurry up," Lucius says as he points to a crowded book shop. In the front of the bookshop, a very tall and hairy man stood, unmistakably the oaf from Hogwarts, Hagrid. And of course a girl with wavy hair and bangs, Granger.

As we walked towards the bookshop, there he was, he was hidden by Hagrid's large form, dirty from what I'm guessing, a bad experience with Floo Powder. Even after we sent Dobby to tell him to stay home and not come back, he did the exact opposite.

"Draco.." I whisper as I tug on his sleeve

"It's Potter" I glance at the direction Potter was, as him and Granger run into the bookshop

"Come on, let's just..act cool" Draco smirked down at me since now he's a whole head taller than me, taking my hand, making sure he doesn't lose me in the crowd, and we walk into the bookshop, hearing girls giggle about the famous Gilderoy Lockhart who stands in the front.

"Oh ew, it's Lockhart" I groan

"What, you are literally the only girl here not drooling for Lockhart" he chuckles

"Eh..not my type" I shrug

"Type? You have a type" Draco laughs

"What's your type then?"

"I don't know..but it's definitely anything but Lockhart" I chuckle

"Come on" he laughs as he pulls me to the side and out of the crowd and up the stairs.

Draco and I watch from the second floor, leaning on the railing as everyone wants to take a picture of Potter

Draco finds a book with a gigantic snake, labeled 'The Basilisk: a giant snake that can live hundreds of years. The basilisk is so deadly that it can kill just by looking at you' quickly shows it to me

"Is that.." I ask

"I think so" he replies quickly and rips it out and puts it in his pocket

I look up, noticing Potter made his way out of the crowd. "Bet you loved that didn't you, Potter" I taunt

"'Famous Harry Potter', can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page" Draco adds as we walk in front of him

"Leave him alone" the dirty little red haired girl glares at us

"Oh look Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend" Draco teases

"Could say the same thing about you Malfoy" Potter says pointing to me

My smirk wipes right off my face and my face turns red. Not noticing, so is Draco's

"Now now children, play nicely" Lucius suddenly says as he moves Draco and I to the side, both relieved to be out of the spotlight of the situation

"Ah Mr.Potter, Lucius Malfoy" Lucius introduces himself

Draco and I stand to the side in awkward silence. As Potter goes and shakes Lucius' hand, Lucius pulls him closely to take a look at his scar. Which kind of frightened me, knowing that Lucius was one of the Dark Lord's followers, along with my father, although they both claim they were under the imperius curse, something about Lucius doesn't sit right with me.

"Your scar is legend, as of course is the wizard who gave it to you" he smirks

"Voldemort killed my parents" Potter says indignantly as he releases himself from Lucius' grasp

"He was nothing more than a murderer"

"You must be very brave to mention his name...or very foolish" Lucius smirks

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself" Granger suddenly states, I roll my eyes while Draco gives her a side glare

"And you must be Ms.Granger...yes Draco and Ophelia have told me all about you" Lucius smirks

"Yeah and how insufferable you are" I chuckle in my head

"And your parents...muggles, aren't they?" Lucius asks

"Let me see.. red hair, vacant expressions, tatty second hand must be the Weasleys" he smirks, I slightly chuckle remembering Draco told Ron Weasley almost the same thing when we all first met.

Mr.Weasley comes forward and starts arguing with Lucius

"Lets just..go" Draco whispers grabbing my sleeve and pulling me out of the crowded store

"Isn't that.." I happily ask as I see two very familiar faces jokingly arguing.

"HEY PARKINSON, ZABINI" Draco happily shouts

"AYEE MALFOY, MENDOZA" Blaise shouts as they excitedly run towards us

Blaise also got slightly taller, but will always be taller than Draco. Pansy also looks more mature and her short hair and bangs had gotten longer.

Blaise hugs me first and picks me up off the floor, squeezing me, almost making my ribs break, and Pansy hugs Draco tightly. As he puts me down Pansy squeezes her way towards me, as Blaise moves to 'manly' hug Draco, grabbing each other's hand and patting each other in the back.

"I missed you guys" I grin

"I missed you guys too" Pansy laughs

" that" she smirks as she sees the silver band around my ring finger

"Birthday present" I smile proudly showing her the ring

"And he has a matching one!?" she whispers as she notices a similar silver band on Draco's finger. Draco too busy catching up with Blaise to notice Pansy freaking out

"Draco, Ophelia were leaving" Lucius orders from behind us

"Oh, these must be your...friends, correct?" He crookedly smiles as he notices Pansy and Blaise

"Yes sir, I'm Pansy Parkinson and this is Blaise Zabini" Pansy nervously smiles

"Hello sir" Blaise awkwardly waves

I mean who wouldn't be nervous around Lucius Malfoy, former Death Eater, pure blood billionaire. After 3 months staying in the Malfoy Manor I still get nervous every time he's at least in a 6ft radius from me.

"Yes well, we have to go now" Lucius slightly smirks

"Bye guys" I frown waving to my friends

"See you idiots on the train" Blaise chuckles so only Draco, Pansy and I can hear as Lucius leads us towards a secluded spot and we apparate back to the Malfoy Manor




(A/N: this was kind of a filler chapter but I hope you liked it lmao. Bye <3)

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