CHAPTER 26-End of Third Year

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(Ophelia's POV)
Its been a few days since the patronus lesson with Professor Lupin. I still haven't told any of my friends about what had happened.

Mr.Malfoy had convinced the school to sentence Buckbeak to death, that was happening today. Draco seemed quite happy to hear that the Hippogriff was going to be beheaded.

I especially felt bad for Hagrid, he really loves all of the animals he finds. From the dragon he hatched in first year to this Hippogriff

"Father said once it's done I can keep the beast's head" Draco smirks as we watch the Hippogriff from the hill

"I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindors common room" he says

"Look who's here!" Blaise announced as the three Gryffindors are walking up to us

"Ah come to see the show?" Draco smirks

"YOU! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!"

"Hermione NO! They're not worth it" Weasley says, her wand at at Dracos neck, quickly I push her arm away

"The hell do you think you're doing?" I ask, pointing my wand to her neck

"Move, or I'll uh...I'll have no choice to hex you" Granger stutters as she points her wand up to me

I look at Weasley and Potter at her sides both with their wands in hand. I chuckle darkly

"Go" I mumble

"You first" she says

"As if" I chuckle

She hesitantly looks at her friends and slowly backs away putting her wand in her pocket, pushing my hand away from her face

Still glaring at me, they continue walking to Hagrids hut

"Holy shit" Blaise chuckles

"That was hot" Pansy grins

Draco standing there, a smile creeping on his lips, speechless

I put my wand back into my pocket, glancing to the left, Fudge Dumbledore and the executioner are walking this way

"Come on" I say

"It's almost curfew" I sigh as we walk back inside

- - - -

"OH MY GOD!" Eliott exclaims once we tell him what just happened

"Wait show me again!" he asks Blaise and Pansy, who were acting out the whole scene

"Alright, so Granger, Potter and Weasley arrive" Blaise starts

"And Granger starts yelling at Draco"

"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Blaise mocks in an annoying, high pitched voice

"Then she went" he puts his wand to Draco's neck

"And he was crying" Pansy whispers

"WAS NOT!" Draco shouts, still with Blaises wand at his neck

"Then Phelia was all like" Pansy puts her wand at Blaises neck

"Go" Pansy says mocking me

"You first" Blaise mocks Granger

"As if" Pansy scoffs

"Then they left!" Blaise excitedly says

"Who knew you were a little tough nut?" Eliott laughs

"Well I kinda already did..." he corrects himself

"Cause you Ophelia Mendoza are an arse kicking, Quidditch playing, little bitch" he laughs

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" I laugh

"Yes, now take the freaking compliment!" Eliott shouts

"Geez, okay, thank you" I quickly say

- - - -

The next day, word had broken out about Potter, Weasley and Granger getting their arses kicked by the Whomping Willow

All four of us were hanging out outside while everyone else was inside the Great Hall. Suddenly a group of Gryffindors run out, Weasley limping behind everyone. Potter in the front holding a broomstick.

"Holy shiiiit, he's got a Firebolt!" Blaise whispers

"That's the fastest broom in the world isn't it?" Pansy asks Draco and I

" is" Draco sourly mumbles, still staring at Potter

"How fast is it Harry?" A Gryffindor asks

He mounts the broom and quickly zooms off

"What the hell was that?" Eliott asks looking at the sky as he joins us

"Potter's got a Firebolt" I explain

"What do you mean Potter's got a Firebolt?" Elliott asks

"See for yourself" I point at Potter who has now come back down

Eliott quickly walks up to Fred and George who were in the group of Gryffindors

"I'm definitely joining the Quidditch team now" Blaise says

"Yeah, that would be so fun, you can try out next year" I grin

Finally the end of our third year, things are going great. They're about to get even better.




(A/N: omg... the end of third year. Don't worry things aren't going to be as boring anymore. Time for fourth year, the year that changes it all)

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