CHAPTER 57-Cursed Necklace

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(Ophelia's POV)
That interesting experience...

Today was the first Quidditch practice of the year. I was made captain this year. Not to brag but, it's kind of a big deal.

We were in the Quidditch pitch today. Draco was close to dropping out but I convinced him to stay on the team.

He was saying how it was too stressful with the task and Quidditch. Besides he has me, he doesn't have to go through the task alone.

"Alright, I—" I start, no one was listening

"YO! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shout immediately the boys went quiet

"Alright, remember, just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" I start. Most of the boys just quietly nodded

"I said, is that clear?" I say louder

"Yes ma'am," the boys say in unison

"Good," I say


I quickly turn around and see a tall brown-haired boy waving at me

"ELIOTT" I smile

"Malfoy, can you take over for a second?" I ask

"Got it captain" he smirks. I quickly run and jump into his arms as he spins around

"That was so much easier when you were in second year" he groans as he puts me down

"What are you doing here? I thought you were working with Fred and George" I chuckle

"Hooch sent me a letter, told me that since Lee graduated last year there's no Quidditch commentator" he explains

"Turns out it's an actual job, no one was taking it they gave it to Jordan for free" he adds

"So you're basically going to be working here?" I ask

"Yeah, you know I couldn't leave my little sister. And remember, as long as we're both at Hogwarts, I vow to protect you" he smiles

"How long are you gonna keep bringing up that vow?" I laugh

"Until the day I die" he smiles

"Also, I have to tell you something...interesting," he says

"Go on..." I say

"I kind of have a boyfriend..." he mumbles

"What! Wait, what happened to Mia?" I exclaim

"We broke up last year" he laughs

"So who is it?" I ask

" know Fred right?" he asks

"Fred Weasley!" I exclaim

"Maaaybe" he mumbles

"Eliott that's great!" I smile

"Mendoza! We need the captain!" Draco shouts

"Captain!?" Eliott exclaims

"Yup! I gotta go!" I grin and walk to the team

"See you around Mendoza" Eliott shouts

"See you Young" I chuckle

- - - -

"Ms. Mendoza, Mr. Zabini, may I speak with you?" Slughorn says as we begin to leave the Potions classroom

"Listen, in the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the selected student or two, would you both be game?" he explains

"I'd consider it an honor, sir" Blaise grins

"What about you Ms.Mendoza?"

"I'd be delighted, sir" I smile

"Splendid, look for my owl! You may go." Slughorn chuckles

"Damn, turns out I'm not that bad at potions" Blaise mumbles

"I knew you'd be good, Zabini" I nudge him as we leave the class

- - - -

"What are we going to do about Dumbledore?" Draco whispers, we were entering his room and muffled it.

"I dunno, we have to think of something and fast," I say

"What if we poison him?" Draco suggests

"Poison? You really think the 'all-knowing' Dumbledore is going to fall for poison?" I chuckle

"Besides, how are we going to do it? Slip it in his drink?" I add

"That could work. We can keep it as a Plan B" he says

"I was being sarcastic Draco" I roll my eyes

"It's still could work" he mumbles

"Anyways, do you remember when we went to Borgin and Burke's, we saw that cursed necklace?" I ask

"Wouldn't it be obvious it was us if we just hand him the necklace?" he asks

"What if we didn't hand it to him? What if we convince someone else?" I say

"No one is that thick" Draco rolls his eyes

"We can...use the Imperius curse" I suggest

"An unforgivable curse? Phelia are you sure" he asks

"It could work" I shrug

"I dunno...But if this doesn't work, we're doing my plan" he says

"Fine" I roll my eyes

- - - -

I couldn't believe they believed us when we said we had 'family matters' to attend to. Draco and I went to Knockturn Alley and bought the necklace. We came back that same night. But today the four of us were going to Hogsmeade.

"We uh...we'll be right back," Draco says as we leave Blaise and Pansy at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop

My heart is racing. I can tell he's anxious too. My hands were shaking as we drank the last of our tea. We're actually going to do it, we're going to kill Dumbledore. We were going to use the Imperius curse on some innocent person.

We enter The Three Broomsticks and look around for someone gullible enough. Potter Weasley and Granger were there.

"Damn it" Draco mumbles

"Come on" I whisper as I lead him into the bathroom

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I shout as we get inside. No one.

"Alright, we can wait here until someone
wa—" suddenly Katie Bell walks in and goes into a stall

"It's now or never" Draco whispers

"You have it right?" I whisper

"Yeah" he pulls his jacket open to reveal the small box. Katie comes out of the stall and goes to wash her hands

"Imperio" I whisper. Suddenly she stops

"Take this to Professor Dumbledore. Don't tell him it's from us" I say as Draco hands her the necklace

"Katie, what's taking so long?" her friend walks into the bathroom

Quickly I pull on Draco's shirt, covering our faces as we kiss

"Oh...I think we should be going now Katie" she says pulling on her friend's arm

"What's that?" she asks as they leave

"Found it" Katie explains, the door shuts and we immediately pull away

"And now we wait" I sigh

"Yeah, and now we wait" Draco repeats leaning on the sink




(A/N: this chapter is for sarahweasleyy and their Eliott x Weasley twin comment <3)

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