CHAPTER 50-Dumbledore's Army

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(Ophelia's POV)
"So, anything new?" I ask my friends as we sit in the Great Hall.

"Parkinson has a girlfriend" Blaise smirks nudges Pansy

"Shut up!" Pansy whispers slapping Blaise in the arm

"Girlfriend! Who?" I exclaim

" doesn't matter" Pansy stutters

"Oh, it matters. Is it Lovegood?" I ask

"Maybe" she mumbles

"That's great!" I chuckle

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask

"I just didn't want you to feel bad, because of what's happening with Draco and all"

"Right...But I'm really happy for you" I smile

"Thanks" she looks to the door, seeing Luna walk in "Do you mind if she sits here?" Pansy asks

"Not at all" I smile

My first real smile since December.

Pansy beckons Luna to come. She skips to us

"Hello" Luna smiles as she sits next to Pansy

"Hey, I'm Ophelia. We met back at the carriages" I say

"Oh yes I remember" Luna says

"Hi, I'm Blaise Zabini" Blaise says

"Yes, you were the one who said that there were no creatures pulling the carriage" Luna grins

"Speaking of the creatures, quick question, why can't the others see them?" I ask

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death" she says

"So, you've known someone who's died?" I ask

"My mum. She was quite the extraordinary witch, but she did liked to experiment and one day, one of her experiments went badly wrong. I was nine" she explains

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say

"Yes, it was quite horrible. But I've got dad. You saw Cedric Diggory die didn't you?" She asks

"Yeah, I did." I respond

"We both believe you and Harry, by the way. About how You-Know-Who has returned and the Ministry is denying it" she says

"You guys seem like the only ones who do" I chuckle looking at my friends

"I don't think so, I bet many people believe you. They're just to scared to say so, from far away you do seem like an intimidating lot. But you're really not much of a threat" she smiles

"Gee, thanks...we seem intimidating?" I laugh

"A little bit, yes" Luna chuckles

"That was our goal" Blaise laughs

"Right! That was our goal!" Pansy remembers the conversation in first year. The one right after I got sorted into Slytherin

"Yeah, I mean we are Slytherins now, we can be intimidating" first year Draco's voice echos in my head

My smile fades a bit.

𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now