CHAPTER 46-I love you

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(Ophelia's POV)
"Alright, this is what I'm thinking. Your Quidditch poster could go there." I say as I point to a space on Draco's dorm wall

Draco hasn't unpacked anything since we've arrived at Hogwarts, and it was almost the end of the first term, so he asked me to help him.

"Maybe your Nimbus could go there. And your encased snitch from your first game could go there"

"So are you just going to do everything for me?" he asks as he leans back in his bed

"No no no! You are going to do it. I'm just here to help" I explain

"But why can't you do it!" He complains

"Cause you asked me to help, not to do it for you" I clarify

"Fine" he groans as he stands up

"You're lucky I love you" he realizes what he said

"What?" I ask, astonished

"I love you Phelia" he repeats coming closer to me

"I love you too...Blondie" I laugh playing with his hair.

I kiss him, suddenly his tongue finds its way into my mouth. He pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. Suddenly the door from my dorm bursts open, Pansy and Blaise, rushing in

"OH SHIT!" Blaise exclaims as they quickly close the door

"I think we were interrupting something" Pansy laughs

"Oh we were definitely interrupting something" Blaise chuckles, you could practically hear the smirk in his voice

"Ok let's go back in, pretend we didn't see anything, alright?" Pansy loudly whispers. Draco and I now pulled apart look at each other. Obviously, they didn't know we could still hear them

"Right" Blaise whispers

"Hey guys" Pansy smiles as they enter the room again

"Whatcha doin'?" Blaise grins

"Well I was helping Draco unpack his junk" I explain

"Unpack his what?!" Blaise exclaims. Clearly he was thinking something else

"You are disgusting Zabini" I scoff

"This is definitely Eliott's doing. You gotta stop hanging out with him so much" I chuckle

"No but...but Eliott's my bestie" Blaise complains

"You haven't unpacked yet Malfoy?" Pansy laughs as she sits on his bed

"Obviously not" he rolls his eyes as he sits on the bed too, his room was plain and gloomy compared to mine

"By the way, I'm not going to be here for Winter Break" he adds

"What!" Blaise exclaims

"Yeah, my father wants to see me for some reason" Draco explains

"That's suspicious...That's weird" Pansy says

"It's probably not that important" Draco chuckles. You could tell he was tense. This is the first time since the first year his father wanted him home for Christmas.

- - - -

"Mendoza! Wait up!" someone says behind me. It was Potter

"What do you want?" I ask

"Can I talk to you?" he asks

"Fine," I say as I walk away from my friends

"So, Hermione Ron and I were thinking, Umbridge isn't teaching us how to defend ourselves" he begins

"Obviously" I roll my eyes

"What if we teach everyone instead" he continues

"What do you mean? Like a secret classroom?" I ask

"Exactly" he grins

"Yeah, no thanks," I say

"Come on Mendoza, you know how to conjure a Patronus as I do. You could help me teach the lot" he explains

"As much as I'd like to set Umbridge in her place and rebel, I can't afford to lose my prefect title and get kicked off the Quidditch team," I say

"But Hermione and Ron—" he starts

"Speaking of which, I don't think your friends would like it very much," I say

"That's besides the poi—"

"Thanks for the offer Potter but I'd have to decline" I cut him off

"Not to worry I won't go blabbing to my friends about this," I say as I walk away, not turning around

"What was that about?" Draco asks, practically fuming

"He...just wanted to see if I...was ok. You know with everything that happened last year" I lie

"Right," Draco says, glaring at Potter, who was still standing there

Suddenly an explosion came from Snape's storage room. Eliott, Lee, Fred, and George came running out holding potion bottles in their arms.

"I feel like we should stop them," I say

"I think they've already been stopped" Draco laughs as Granger stops them, pretending to act tough

"Right" I laugh as we walk away

"Oh! There's snow outside" Blaise exclaims as he looks out the window

"Can we throw snowballs at a first year? Please can we throw snowballs at a first-year?" Blaise begs me

"Fine, you can go throw snowballs at a first-year" I roll my eyes

"Yes! I love you!" Draco quickly says kissing my head and racing Blaise down the stairs pushing each other

"Since when! He just! Oh my god!" Pansy squeals as we walk behind them

"Since a couple of days ago Pans. When I was helping him unpack" I explain

We were finally outside, the cold breeze hitting my face. Blaise and Draco were throwing snowballs at a defenseless first year. Umbridge watching from the top, as if she condoned it.

Suddenly I get a snowball in the face.

"Sorry, darling! I meant to get Pansy" Draco apologizes

"You bitch" Pansy gasps

"Oh it's on" I smirk as I pick up some snow with my hands and quickly throw it at Draco, hitting him on the head

"Hey! Not the hair!" He complains as he shakes his head like a wet dog

Then a group of people were walking back to the castle. It was Potter, Granger Longbottom the Weasleys.

Suddenly Draco throws a snowball, that I'm guessing was supposed to hit me. But he hit Granger in the head instead, immediately breaking into fits of laughter with Blaise.

Quickly the group walks away as Granger tries to pick the pieces of snow out of her hair.

"You were trying to hit me weren't you?" I squint my eyes at him as they both come back

"No...what makes you say that?" he sarcastically asks

"Just a hunch" I chuckle




(A/N: I literally love Draphelia so much...)

𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now