CHAPTER 45-Pansy's crush

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(Ophelia's POV)
"PHELIA!" someone yells as they knock on my door, waking me up. I could immediately tell it was Pansy

There were exactly three doors in the private prefect's room. One leading to the common room, another leading to the 6 sixth year Prefect Penny's room, and another leading to Draco's room.

"Alohomora" I mumble through my pillow

"Oh my god, Phelia!" Pansy exclaims as she enters my room

"Pans, what was so important that you had to wake me at 4 in the morning...on a Saturday" I groan as I sit up

"What the hell is happening?" Draco groans as he opens the door that separates our dorms

"This doesn't concern you!" Pansy exclaims as she pushes him back into his dorm, locking the door.

"Alright, Phelia I think I'm in love" she suddenly says

"She's in love!" Draco shouts from the other room

"Shut up Draco! Don't make me hex you!" Pansy yells

"Muffliato" Pansy mutters a silencing charm

"Ok, but what do you mean you're in love? In love with who? And what happened to Juliet?" I ask

"Juliet and I haven't even talked since the end of last year. And do you remember that girl we met on the carriages?" Pansy asks

"Luna Lovegood?" I ask

"Yes!" she exclaims

"Wait why? How? When?" I laugh

"Alright, so it happened last night. Do you remember when I came to visit you two while you were on patrol duty?" I nod

"I ran into Lovegood on my way back. Turns out people have been stealing her shoes or something. And we talked while I helped her find her shoes. And she said, and I quote "You know, you're very nice to be around". AND I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT PHELIA!" Pansy explains as she plops onto my bed

"Ooh this shits more comfortable than the ones in the dorms" she mumbles

"Was that all?" I chuckle

"Yes...I see how this could've waited till later in the morning" she says

"You think?" I laugh

"Can I come in now?" Draco shouts from his dorm

Pansy quickly opens the door, where Draco was standing and slams it in his faces again. Then she undoes the muffling charm

"See you at breakfast Phelia" she casually says as she struts out of my dorm

- - - -

"She's taking over the damn school" Blaise groans as his tie was tightened by Umbridge as we walk to Divination

Suddenly mine and Draco hands were pulled apart. We look behind us to see Umbridge walking away looking satisfied

"Yeah, haven't you heard? She's the High Inquisitor now" Pansy rolls her eyes

"Who let that happen?" I scoff

"The Minister duh" Pansy chuckles

"Welcome my children" Professor Trelawney beams as we walk into class

Her smile quickly faded as we heard a giggle behind us

"Professor Umbridge," Trelawney says

"You don't mind if I ask you a few questions do you, Sybil?" Umbridge smiles

"Not at all. Go find your seats children" Trelawney nervously laughs

"You've been in this post how long exactly?"

"Sixteen years" Trelawney mumbles

"Thank you" Umbridge grins

"Oh, and one more question dear. Could you please predict something for me?"

"I'm sorry?" Trelawney asks

"One teensy little prophecy?" Umbridge asks. I could see the smirk on Draco's face grow wider

"Pity" Umbridge smirks

"No no! Wait! I-I think I do see something. Yes. I do. I see something dark. You...are in grave...danger" Trelawney quickly says

"Lovely" Umbridge smiles before leaving the classroom

"Anyone else feels very uncomfortable being in the same room with her?" Blaise whispers, clearly very loud because even some Gryffindors from the opposite side of the room and Trelawney all nodded

- - - -

It had been the end of classes and we were headed to the common room when crowds of people were going to the courtyard

"Yo! Eliott, what's going on?" I ask as we run into Eliott and the twins

"It's Professor Trelawney," he says as we all head to the courtyard

Trelawney was in the middle, her trunks surrounding her as she sobs

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. can't do this" she cries as Umbridge stands in front of her

"Actually, I can." Umbridge smiles as she holds a piece of paper.

Quickly McGonagall runs up to Trelawney

"Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asks

"Oh there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall says

Suddenly the doors open, revealing Dumbledore. It feels like I haven't seen him since the beginning of the year meal

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbledore says

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23 as enacted by the Minister—"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster" Dumbledore states

"And that's on what?" Eliott asks. We all look at him for a moment

"You guys are no fun" he mumbles as he crosses his arms

"Don't you all have studying to do?" Dumbledore shouts, quickly we all head to our common rooms

"That little toad" Pansy mumbles as we sit on the couch

"She is such an irritation" she says

"Who knew someone could wear so much pink" Blaise sighs

"It burns my eyes" Draco chuckles

"Do you guys have patrol duty today?" Pansy asks us

"I'm pretty sure. Why?" I smirk

"No reason" she smiles

"I just want to go...look at the moon" Pansy says

"Right...the moon" I laugh

"What are you two on about?" Blaise asks

"Oh nothing" I sigh




(A/N: What do you guys think of
Pansy x Luna? I personally love it. Also that ship has been in my ideas folder ever since I started this story... I'm excited it's finally happening)

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