CHAPTER 9-End of First Year

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(Ophelia's POV)
Months after that dreadful detention it was almost summer break.

I was so nervous about staying with the Malfoys, but excited about getting to spend time with Draco.

"So it turns out there was this stone, that makes you immortal, and Professor Quirrell was one of you-know-who's minions" Draco says as we sit down at the slytherin table

"How is it you know everything that goes on at Hogwarts?" I chuckle as I sit down next to him

"Because Draco's a little gossip girl" Pansy says sitting across from me

"That's why his hair is so big, it's full of secrets" Blaise jokes sitting next to Pansy

"Ha, ha very funny" Draco says sarcastically, rolling his eyes

"So what your saying is...Quirrell let the troll in on Halloween?" I ask glancing at Blaise

"I mean I guess so" Draco shrugs

"So what your saying is..Blaise was right?" Pansy asks

"I was right?!" Blaise excitedly asks

McGonagall interrupts once again, tapping a spoon to her cup repeatedly, making the dining hall quiet.

"Another year gone" Dumbledore says as he stands up

"And now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. And the points stand thus-"

"In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points" barely any cheers can be heard, Draco and I smirk at Potter forcefully clapping for his house

"Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points" Dumbledore continues

"Second place, Ravenclaw 426 points" our grins grow wider, knowing were in first place, if it wasn't already obvious by the giant Slytherin banners hanging around the Great Hall

"In first place with 472 points, Slytherin house" We cheer loudly for our house winning the house cup

"Due to recent events, I believe there are some points that need to be added"
All of a sudden Dumbledore started adding random points to Gryffindor, suddenly making them win the house cup.

"What did I tell you, the Gryffindor privilege" I say as all three tables cheer and throw their hats in the air


Finally it was time to go home, or I should say 'to the Malfoys'

We go onto the train, Draco, Pansy and I sitting in our same spots as always

"Wow I can't believe we met in this train a little less than a year ago" Pansy says sitting across from me

"I know, I feel like I've known you guys for forever" I say, sitting next to Draco

"Remember when we first met, Blaise bought 5 pumpkin pasties for himself" I chuckle

"Don't forget the licorice wand" Pansy laughs

"And I did it again BOP BOP" Blaise suddenly says as he walks into the compartment and throws a pumpkin pasty at me and Pansy and sits down next to her

"Bought you guys one too" he adds as he opened his first one

"And I bought you a Drooble, because I remember that you're allergic to pumpkin" Blaise says as he throws a Drooble into Draco's lap

"Oh thanks" Draco smiles as he opens the packet of gum

"You know, I'm thinking about growing my hair out" Blaise suddenly says with a mouthful of sweets

"What hair?" Pansy blurts, quickly covering her mouth

"The hair I'm trying to grow out, jesus Pansy, keep up" Blaise jokes

"Please don't" I laugh

"You know what, since you guys are so mean, I'll do it anyways" Blaise smirks as he eats his second pumpkin treat

"The next time you'll see me, I'll have a mini afro" he confidently says

"God no" Draco mumbles as he chews his gum

Hours pass by, talking to my best friends, joking about this past school year and about certain people.

Finally the train stops, we all get out the train, giving each other huge hugs

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much" Pansy says

"We should all hang out during summer" I suggest

"Oh yeah, we really should" Blaise agrees

"Well we better go my mother and father are waiting for us" Draco says putting a hand on my shoulder

"Alright" Pansy winks at me as soon as Draco turns around to see if he can get a glimpse of his parents

"Shut it" I mouth to Pansy

"Oh they're over there" Draco says standing on his tip-toes, pointing at the direction his parents are in

"Bye guys" Blaise says as we walk towards his parents

My hands are freezing cold because of how nervous I am

"You have nothing to be nervous about Ophelia" Draco suddenly says as we walk towards his parents

"Nervous? I'm not nervous" I chuckle

"Sure" Draco chuckles

"I'm not!" I chuckle, suddenly without realizing it we were standing in front of his parents

A man with long white hair dressed in all black.

And a woman, with half white and half black hair , with red lipstick, also dressed in all black

"Hello darling" Draco's mum smiles as she hugs her son

"Hi mum" he mumbles

"You must be Ophelia" she says looking at me

"Narcissa Malfoy" she adds reaching her hand out

"Yes ma'am, Ophelia Mendoza" I say shaking her hand

"Ms.Mendoza, Lucius Malfoy" Draco's father says blankly as he also reaches his hand out

"Nice to meet you" I nervously say as I shake his hand

"We should get going now" Mrs.Malfoy suggests

"Yes, we shall" Mr.Malfoy agrees

We apparate to the large manor.
Draco and I stumble a little as it was out first time apparating

"Draco, why don't you take her inside and give her a little tour" Mrs.Malfoy suggests

"Come on" Draco excitedly says as he grabs my hand and we run to the manor




(A/N: And that, was the end of first year. What did you think? Hope you liked this chapter. Bye <3)

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