CHAPTER 49-The New Term

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(Ophelia's POV)
Today was the day people came back for the new term. Pansy Blaise and I were sitting on the couch waiting for Draco to arrive. They had to drag me out of my room.

It was almost midnight when the door opened, revealing a very tired looking Draco

"There he is" Blaise exclaims, getting up

Draco ignores this and immediately walks into his room

"He's probably just still mad about something that happened with his father," Pansy says

"Right" Blaise sighs

"Now that he's here I can leave right?" I ask, eager to go to sleep

"Yeah, I'm going to bed too," Blaise says

"Same" Pansy sighs

We go out separate ways and into bed, yet I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned. Was he angry at us? At me? I have the right to be angry too. He promised he'd write back. He promised me. And he broke his promise.

I wanted to sleep yet thoughts and questions overflowed my head. No matter if I closed my eyes and how hard I tried to push the thoughts away. I couldn't ignore them. How could I?

It was now 3 in the morning. Still no sign of sleep.

4 am.

5 am.


Next thing I know the sun was rising. Shining on the Black Lake, illuminating my room a bit. I sigh as I realize I wouldn't be able to at least get an hour of sleep today. Today was the first day of classes, so I get up and change. Pinning my Prefect badge and hesitantly putting my Inquisitorial Squad medal on my robe.

I exit out of my room, suddenly Draco steps out, still putting his badge on.

"Draco, I—" I start but he quickly walks out of the common room

"What's his problem?" Eliott says as he comes downstairs

"Dunno hasn't spoken to any of us since he came back" I explain

"That's odd," he says

Blaise and Pansy came downstairs and we all head to breakfast, not surprised to see Draco far away from where we usually sit.

"Should I talk to him?" Blaise asks

"No, leave him" I sigh

"So you're saying he didn't answer any of your letters?" Pansy asks

"No," I say

"How many did you send," Blaise asks

"Three" I respond

"It's probably got to do something with his father then," Pansy says

- - - -

The snow on the grounds had finally melted. Meaning it was finally Spring. Draco still hasn't said a word to us. Even moved his seat away from me in class.

Blaise, Pansy, and I have been in the library every week studying for our O.W.L.S. Today we spotted someone, someone familiar. A blonde-haired boy studying alone, reading a book.

We sit somewhere remotely close. But the second we sit down he closes his book and walks away.

"You should talk to him Phelia," Pansy says

"Yeah, I mean you are his girlfriend" Blaise adds

"Are you sure?" I say

"What?" Pansy asks

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