CHAPTER 11-The Plan

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(Ophelia's POV)
"Phelia, wake up!" I hear a voice say as they shake me awake

"What, what happened" I frantically say as I wake up

"It's your birthday" Draco smiles as he smacks me with a pillow

"Is that why you woke me up so early?" I groan

"You woke me up at 6 in the morning on my birthday" he laughs

"Ok ok" I chuckle as I get up

"Come on" he smiles as he makes his way to my door

"I'll be down in a minute, I'm gonna change" I tiredly say rubbing my eyes

I change into blue jeans with a black shirt, a dark green jumper over and my all black trainers and I go downstairs

"Happy Birthday darling" Mrs.Malfoy greets me with a hug

"Thank you Mrs.Malfoy" I smile

Lucius only nods at me and I just nod back grinning

"Mum" Draco whispers tugging on her sleeve

"Can I give my present right now?"

"Of course Darling" she laughs

"You didn't have to get me anything" I grin

"I didn't have to...but I wanted to. So shut up and take it" he laughs handing me a little box with silver wrapping paper

I open it and it's a silver ring with a snake carved into it and on the side tiny initials are carved


"It's a promise ring, see we're matching now" he grins as he shows me his silver ring with my initials carved


"And what are we promising exactly?" I chuckle

"Hmm-" he thinks as he rubs his chin

"We can promise that.. no matter how old we get, no matter what happens, we'll always stick together" he smiles as he puts an arm around my shoulder

"I like that promise" I grin as I slip the ring on my finger

"It's beautiful. Thank you" I grin as I hug Draco


Later that night Draco and I were in my room goofing off and having fun

"I'm thirsty, you want anything?" Draco asks as he hops off the bed

"Yeah, I'll come with" I say as I follow him to the kitchen

"The heir of Slytherin-" we hear Lucius whisper in the kitchen

"So it's going to happen again?" Mrs.Malfoy whispers worriedly

"What's the heir of Slytherin?" I whisper as we peek from the corner

"No idea" Draco responds

"So it's true, about the chamber, and the basilisk?" Mrs.Malfoy adds

"Yes, it's all true, and this time he's going to finish Potter once and for all" Lucius smirks

"Potter?" I whisper

"And what about the um..muggle-borns" Narcissa whispers

"Like I said, history will repeat itself" Lucius responds

"He'll start with the mudbloods, kill them by one"

"Come on" Draco quickly whispers as he grabs my hand and we quietly run back to my room

"What do they mean by 'Heir of Slytherin'" I ask

"I don't know..they also said something about finishing Potter once and for all" Draco mumbles

"Don't you feel like we should warn him?"

"I was thinking the same thing..but how? We can't just sneak out and apparate to his muggle home" I sigh

"We can't even apparate at all" I chuckle

"I think I have an idea" Draco smirked

All of a sudden a loud crack and the little house elf appears

"What do you need Master Draco and Ms.Mendoza"

"Dobby, I told you, just call me Ophelia" I chuckle

"Pardon Ms.- I mean Ophelia" Dobby smiles

"Dobby, can you send a message to Harry Potter" Draco quickly says as he crouches to the elf's level

"Oh yes, the Harry Potter, Master Draco and Ophelia keep talking about" Dobby recalls

"Yeah that one" I grin

"We need you to tell him not to come back to Hogwarts" Draco frantically explains

"And that terrible things are waiting for him there" I add as I crouch next to Draco

"Do anything, but don't let him come back to Hogwarts"

"But don't tell him we sent you ok?" Draco asks, slightly grinning

"Yes Mas- I mean Draco, Dobby will warn Harry Potter" Dobby smiles and snaps his fingers, and just like that he apparates to Potter's muggle house




(A/N: What do you think about Ophelia's new ring? Hope you enjoyed this story. Bye <3)

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