CHAPTER 16-First Quidditch Game

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(Ophelia's POV)
The day of our first quidditch game is finally here

I let out a shaky breath as I finish putting my hair in a low ponytail

"Alright, huddle up you lot!" Flint calls from outside the locker rooms. As I join the group...of course...someones missing.

"Malfoy!" Eliott and I shout at the same time

"Alright, alright! Im here" he says as he walks out putting his fingerless gloves on

"Now that we're all here, you know the strategies correct?" Flint asks and we all nod

"Good luck, especially you two" he grins as he points at me and Draco

"We won't need it" I smirk

"Ooouuu! Feisty" Eliott chuckles as he elbows my shoulder

We mount our brooms and fly out onto the quidditch pitch, hundreds of people in red and green cheering, Draco and I fly over to the Slytherin side to wave at Blaise and Pansy.

Madam Hooch blows her whistle, both the Gryffindor team and Slytherin team come down and circle around her

"I want a nice, clean game"

"From all of you" she says eyeing our team
She opens the trunk, the two bludgers and the little golden snitch fly out, she takes the quaffle and throws it up in the sky. And the game begins.

Eliott, Flint and I zoom past everyone to grab the quaffle first

Eliott quickly grabs it and flies over to the Gryffindor rings and scores


I look over at Draco and see him talking to Potter "ALRIGHT THERE SCARHEAD?" he shouts

Angelina Johnson now has the quaffle as she zooms over to our rings with Flint right behind her as he punches it out of her grip and he quickly snatches it, Draco and I on both of his sides, all three of us fly at the same speed.
Derrick, Bole and the Weasley twins swinging bludgers everywhere as we try to dodge them.

Flint throws the quaffle, quickly Angelina snatches it back and I zoom behind her, quicker than I've ever flown before, do the same strategy Flint did and punch it out of her grip and snatching it

"GO WHITE GIRL GO" I hear Eliott cheer as I zoom over to the Gryffindor rings.

Wood, who's flying right in front of the rings, suddenly a bludger comes and whacks him and he falls onto the sand below the rings. I quickly throw the quaffle


- - - -

"SLYTHERIN IS AHEAD 90-30" Lee announces

"Potters got himself a rogue bludger" Eliott points to the bludger that keeps chasing him


Quickly Potter spots the snitch behind Draco and quickly goes after it

"MALFOY GO" I yell as I point at the snitch, Potter not too far behind it

He realizes and zooms behind Potter, quickly reaching him. They follow the snitch into the sides of the pitch as a rogue bludger follows them.

Suddenly the quaffle hits Eliott on the back of the head, he leans forward and slips off his broom, quickly he holds on with his hands. The whole crowd gasps as his fingers start to slip

"Come on Young!" I desperately shout, encouraging him to lift himself back up. In seconds he was able to slowly lift his body back onto his broom the crowd roars with cheers as he raises his arms in victory

Draco is quickly shot back up and lands on his back, Potter rolls out immediately after. The bludger tries to hit him in every place possible.
Both teams go to assist each player, Draco slowly un-clenches his fist as he groans in pain

"DRACO MALFOY HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH" Lee announces. The whole Slytherin side erupting in cheers as Draco lifts his hand that as holding the snitch then slumps back down in pain


Blaise and Pansy quickly come down from their seats and come closer

I look over at the Gryffindors and see Potter's arm look like it had no bones left in it and Granger helping him up as they assist him to the hospital wing

"Move out the way please" Hagrid says as he pushes us to the side as he scoops up Draco, who was dramatically groaning, and takes him to the hospital wing. As we follow closely behind

- - - -

"Stop making such a fuss Mr.Malfoy, you're free to go" Pomfrey quickly says as she walks over to Potter and the group of Gryffindors

"Good for nothing nurse" he mumbled under his breath as he stops groaning and sits on the edge of his bed and roll my eyes and go where Eliott is standing instead

"Hey Gred, Forge!" Eliott calls

"Hey Eliott" one of the twins say, I can't tell them apart

"Hey Mendoza, I'm George" he smiles

"No I'm George" the other twin says as he comes up to me, I look bewildered as I switch my gaze between both twins

"Your gonna confuse the poor child" Eliott laughs

"I'm only joking, I'm Fred" the first twin smiles as he puts his hand out

"Nice to meet you" I grin as I shake his hand

He pulls himself closer to me, still having a gentle grasp on my hand "This is where you introduce yourself Ophelia" he whispers in my ear

"Oh yes, right...well, I'm Ophelia" I say as I go to shake Georges hand

"Mendoza" someone calls, I look and Draco is waving his hand beckoning me to come

"I should go" I groan as I wave to the twins and Eliott and jog to Draco Pansy and Blaise.

"I saw that" Pansy whispers in my ear grinning from ear to ear

"Saw what? Me saying hello to the Weasley twins?" I chuckle

"The tension between you and Fred" she whispers as she pulls me back so were walking a little bit behind the boys

"What! Are you serious?" I exclaim

"He's like...14, and totally not my type"

"Well then, elaborate" she smirks

"On what?" I ask

"Your type idiot" she laughs

"Well I-I don't know"

"Blond hair, grey eyes, Draco, Malfoy?" she whispers

"Shut it" I laugh as I nudge her on the  shoulder

"Am I wrong?" she laughs

"Yes...well...maybe not" I mumble

"Exactly" she smirks

𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now