CHAPTER 10-Malfoy Manor

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(the summer before 2nd year)
(Ophelia's POV)
Mr. and Mrs.Malfoy gave me one of the guest bedrooms next to Draco's bedroom.
It felt really lonely in the bedroom. Not because of the size of the enormous room, but because this is my first summer away from home and away from the Slytherin dorm room in a while.

Sometimes when we can't sleep, Draco usually sneaks into my room and we make a little blanket fort and talk all night.

This past summer, Draco turned 12 and had gotten taller and his jawline got more defined, he looked more mature and different than when we first left Hogwarts.

And I got a little taller too and less baby-faced

But today felt off, I wake up to the manor louder than usual

It sounded like Draco's parents were arguing

I quietly leave my room and quickly make my way to Draco's room and I quietly knock on his door to check on him.

He opens the door and his hair is messy and covering his forehead and not slicked back like usual, indicating he also barely woke up because of the loud bickering.

"Morning" I quickly smile, trying not to bring up the fact his parents were arguing downstairs

"Good Morning" he smiles

"Sorry about that, they don't usually argue," he says opening the door wider so that I can come in

"That's ok" I smile

We sit on his bed facing each other with our legs crossed and I try to distract him while his parents argue downstairs

"Pansy sent me an owl this morning," I say

"She said that she went down to Diagon Alley yesterday and saw Blaise. He gave up on the whole afro thing" I chuckle

"No surprises there" Draco laughs

"I like your hair like that" I suddenly say admiring the messy hairstyle

"Thanks, Father forces me to slick it back, says I have to look 'professional'" he replies looking down

"I'm 12 for crying out loud, I don't need to look professional" he laughs
"Well, it looks nice either way" I smile

Draco's voice has gotten way deeper than when we first left Hogwarts.

He opened his mouth like he was about to say something but all of a sudden, we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" Draco hesitantly says

Lucius slowly opens the door
"Morning Father" Draco says

"I have arranged for both of you to join the Quidditch team this upcoming year" Lucius says ignoring Draco's greeting

"Oh wicked!" Draco excitedly says. I just slightly smile.

Lucius glares at Draco
"I mean, thank you father" Draco says quickly, adjusting himself. The child-like excitement, gone in a second.

"Thank you Mr.Malfoy" I smile. He just nods and walks out, closing the door behind him

"Don't you think that's wrong" I guiltily say

"Paying our way onto the Quidditch team" I say looking away

"I mean it is, but we could be good on the team Phelia" he says as he puts a hand on my shoulder

"You remember when we stole that remembrall from Longbottom, your arm is pretty good to be on the team" he continues

"Thanks, you were not too bad either" I chuckle. The door starts to open.

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