Christmas Special

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Please know that this is not canon to this story.

Thank you and enjoy.

I hope Izuku likes the present I got him. I know Bakugou has been trying to win Izu over for months but...I've decided to finally tell him how I feel. Hopefully he says he feels the same way and....we can finally be boyfriends. I've planned a whole date for today. Now....just need to surprise him. I walk over to his dorm and knock on his door.

No response.

I knock again.

Still no response. I pull my phone out and call him.




Izuku: "Hello?"

Kaminari: "Izu? Where are you?"

Izuku: "Well uh, it's kind of complicated...."

Bakugou: "You better hurry up Izu. The movie is going to start soon. I'll wait inside."

Izuku: "Okay, be right there."

Kaminari: "You're on a date with Bakugou? Again?"

Izuku: "I was heading to Mina's Christmas party when he dragged me here and well....if I reject him again he'll leave me alone again."

Kaminari: "Yeah. For a while."

Izuku: "Did you want to head to Mina's party together?"

Kaminari: "I was hoping we could—"

Bakugou: "I'm dragging you in now nerd. You take too long."

Izuku: "I'll call you back when I can Kami. Bye!"

Bakugou: "You were talking to dunce face?"

Izuku: "It doesn't matter. After this I'm going to Mina's party."

Bakugou: "I told you I planned a date today."

Izuku: "But I told my friend I was going to her party!"

Bakugou: "We can go after dinner."

Izuku: "Ugh. Fine."

Why can't he understand that we're just not going to work anymore. Was he thinking a Christmas miracle would happen? If I were to go on a date for Christmas Eve.....I'd think I'd want Kaminari to be here with me instead of Kacchan. Just thinking about him makes me blush.

Kaminari: "I have to be honest I thought you were pretty cute for a guy."


Kaminari: "I can wait. It's okay. You don't need to worry about it for now."

I should answer him soon...

Mina: "Welcome—! Kaminari?"

Kaminari: "Yeah..."

Mina: "Come in. Sero is the only one here for now. I was expecting not to see you today. You know, your whole 'I'm taking Izu on a date and confessing' plan."

Kaminari: "I mean that was the plan but...he ran into Bakugou..."

Mina: "Then go steal him back. Im sure Izu doesn't want to be with him."

She has a point.

Kaminari: " sounded like they were at the cinema..."

Mina: "Off to the cinema you go then!"

She started to shove me out when...

Izuku: "Hi Mina! Hey Kami!"

K&M: "Hey..."

Izuku: "Well uh...that was a....great? Date. I'll see you around Bakugou."

Bakugou: "Who said I was leaving?"

Izuku: "But don't like social gatherings..."

Bakugou: "As long as I stay by your side I'll be fine."

Bakugou is starting to tick me off...

Bakugou: "Raccon eyes where's the damn mistletoe I know you usually hang one."

Really....ticking me off...

Izuku: "Bakugou, could you not stand so close..."

Kaminari: "Tch."

Izuku: "Did you just click your tongue Kami?"

Kaminari: "Of course not! Why would I?"

Izuku: "Hey do you....wanna leave?"

I could feel myself be shocked.

Izuku: "It's no fun when Bakugiu is literally grinding up from behind me."

Kaminari: "Why that..."

Izuku: "Let's just go for a walk before we go back to our dorms."

I just smiled and nodded. After signaling to Mina about us leaving, we just left.

Izuku: "Finally some breathing air. Mina sure does invite a lot of people."

Kaminari: "That's just Mina for you. I guess you wouldn't really know since you met Mina during college."

Izuku: "Dont tell me it was worse in high school."

Kaminari: "Remember that one day we came with bandages after winter break?"

Izuku: "All those just from a party?"

Kaminari: "We were living it up man!"

Izuku: "*giggles* I guess so."

His smile just melts my heart at this point. As we walk and talk a bit more. We start to see this tree covered in icicles. It looked nice, the icicles in the moonlight. Like some light decorations on the Christmas....tree.....

Izu's present!

I feel my pocket and I still have it. I look over at Izu and his nose is red from the cold yet, he can still be cute.

Kaminari: "Hey uh...Izu? Do you see the tree over there?"

Izuku: "Oh looks beautiful!"

I pull out the box and hand it to him.

Kaminari: "Merry Christmas."

Izuku: "You got me a gift? But I don't have one! Ah—well....Kami! No fair!"

Kaminari: "It's fine. Open it."

Izuku looks up at me, still pouty. Once he opens the box though...

Izuku: "KamiDeku? Did I say that right?"

Kaminari: "Izu....I know you had a rough break up with Bakugou and well.....I want to confess to you again. Now that he's completely out of the picture so.....I like you Izuku, will you be mine now?"

Izuku: "Kami.....I'd love to be yours Denki."

He smiled at me and hugged me. Once we parted from the hug, he soon kissed me.

Izuku: "I was thinking of what to give yoh as a present. I guess this is the best one I can do."

I just smiled at him and kissed him again.

Izuku: "Merry Christmas."

He's finally...


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