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Bakugou: "PIKACHU!"

I was afraid this was going to happen...

Kaminari: "Hey.....Bakugou...."

He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and held me up.

Bakugou: "Look I know you're Deku's new bestie or whatever. But. Don't you dare flirt with him. Got it?"

I furiously start nodding my head.

Kaminari: "If was a mistake. Honest!"

Izuku: "A mistake?"

When did Izu get here!?

That's weird. I know Kami made a mistake yet......why does it hurt to hear him say that? I couldn't help it and ran off, tearing up.

Bakugou: "DEKU! IZUKU!"

I could hear Kacchan drop Kami and run after me. I kept running though. I don't want Kacchan to see me like this.

Mina: "Oooooooo! You got in trouble."

Kaminari: "Well obviously! You told him!"

Mina: "Yeahhhh. Sorry. To be honest I wanted to see drama!"

Kaminari: "Jeez Mina......you know how Bakugou is about Izu. I mean he's already looking for a ring to propose to him."

Mina: "Yeahh....."

Kirishima: "Why are you on the floor Denki?"

Kaminari: "Mina can tell you."

Looks like I ran into a park. Shoot! I should text Mina if she could take notes for me!

Bakugou: "Oi! Izuku."

When I turn around I feel arms around me.

Izuku: "Ka.....Kacchan?"

Bakugou: "I know he's an idiot but, no one gets to tell you that you're cute but me."

I could feel my heart begin to race and my face heat up.

Izuku: "Yeah.....no one but you Kacchan."

Bakugou: "Why did you get so upset over his response?"

Izuku: "To be honest......I don't know why. It just.....hurt to hear him say that."

I could feel Kacchan's arms get tighter around me.

Izuku: "Kacchan?"

Could Deku not like me as much anymore? No! Thats ridiculous! He's always followed me yet....

Izuku: "To be honest Kacchan.....if you hadn't confessed when you did. I would've given up on you."

Could it be that he didn't have that strong of a feeling with me?

Izuku: "You don't have to tease me all the time!"

I guess I could try to be nicer.

Izuku: "Kacchan?"

Bakugou: "Oh! Sorry...."

I let go of him but still grabbed his shoulders.

Bakugou: "I love you. Izuku."

I could see him shocked and then blush.

Izuku: "I-Isn't that sudden....?"

Bakugou: "That's how I've always felt about you though nerd!"

Izuku: "That's more like it...."

I could see him smile right after.

Bakugou: "Damn nerd......we're going to my dorm now."

Izuku: "H-Huh!?"

Bakugou: "I think you need to be reminded on who is in charge."

Izuku: "Huh?"





Man class is so boring....

I could hear Mina giggle next to me.

Kaminari: "What's so funny?"

Mina: "Izu asked for notes. Said that Bakugou is about to wreck him. That when he sees you again you won't hear the end of it. Pfft—"

Kaminari: "WAIT!"

Teacher: "Is there something you don't understand?"

Kaminari: "Uh—no.....sorry...."

Why am I so shocked. They are dating. It's only natural that they would.....do that..... Then why........do I feel......upset?

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